Asura trained himself more in the only ways he really knew how. He took note that he couldn't quite stick to walls yet but that was why he was trying to gain the skill Cling, so he could stick to things. Unpolished stone and trees would be ideal starting points given how many unseen handholds they had for something like him. His whole body was essentially one massive finger that could fill in the empty spaces to climb up things with supposed ease and he was trying to make his body do just that to gain the skill. His pseudopods gaining little 'fingers' was interesting and was probably a subconscious change on his part with his Shapeshifting. Same with the pseudopod gaining what amounted to a bicep and forearm. When that system message popped up however he let the stone drop and he sloshed down to the ground. Momma Slime had been watching him work, which wasn't an unfamiliar thing. She seemed curious half the time. [color=red]"Time to rest...I'm out of energy. Do you have any skills to work on?"[/color] He asked while letting himself relax and recover. Sleep would come eventually but relaxing before sleep should help regain his stamina. Like relaxing on a couch or chair to watch television or play a game before going to bed.