[h2]Or MGMA for short. [i]At first glance it's exactly what it sounds like.[/i][/h2] [sup]Yes, this is happening[/sup] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/175646-monster-girl-mecha-academy/ooc]There's now an OOC thread and Discord[/url] [u]Just as a note:[/u] Not going to put a limit on roleplayers, but going to suggest breaking the RP up into teams of small-group RPs for most things, plus a common-IC RP area for introductions and figuring out what team you'll want to be in (or just to pester the other teams for shenanigans). [h3]Well, nitty gritty FAQ:[/h3] >Why in Space? Short answer, Earth is dead, humanity is pretty much gone. Rather than go off into the cold dark quietly, scientists opted to begin terraforming any available planet to make them suitable for colonies while others tried to extend the lifespans through any means necessary (more on that later). >Ok... but why monster-girls? The monster part is easy enough... robots aren't 100% self-sustaining, nor is any single design optimized for every concievable envirionment, so it was generally easier to just augment local wildlife up to and maybe a bit beyond human standards. So long as they're augmented to the point of being human enough for cross-breeding, purposes. Which goes to the girl part of the question. The technology required to do the first part is [i]kinda finicky[/i], so it's just easier to increase the population the old fashioned way as soon and rapidly as possible. [sub]Doubling the X chromosome is also easier than finding an intact Y chromosome in the entiere bunch.[/sub] >That's pretty cool, but how does that explain undead monster girls, like dullahans? Remember those scientists trying to extend the human lifespan? [i]That sorta backfired[/i]. We have necromorphs now. Dullahans and the like are pretty much clones of "good" necromorphs, with higher brain functions generally restored. That said, [url=http://www.thezombiehunters.com/index.php?strip_id=232]many of the other monster-girls don't exactly trust the undead of any sort[/url]. >Okay... but why are they in a military academy? Necromorphs. They kill people. Well, most of them do. >But... why are they in mechs? Sometimes things happen in space, and getting bit kinda sucks... [i]Alluranes aren't exactly quick footed[/i]... We also found out a nearly braindead necromorph can't do a whole lot when confined inside of a mecha. >Alright, but what does this mean if I want to RP as a normal human guy? Then you'd be the one-in-a-billion special snowflake last remaining man on the planet. There are male monsters, though, but they're a bit younger... then there's the undead... As I stated, some of them aren't the bitey aggressive kind and served as host genetics to the undead monster girls (he'd be their papa!) There'd also be some guys that opted to just imprint their memories into a new body in order to live longer that way... although the problem with this is that [i]the original body does continue to live[/i]... until it dies like everyone else. >So, who's interested in this shindig? [i]I should be the one asking that question.[/i] But thankfully I've got a list of people I've discussed this with before posting: [@GarlandDaHero] [@shylarah] [@vanity] [@massasauga] [@Jett Ryu] [@Harlequ] And some people I'll send an invite just in case: [@Todd Howard] [@Zverda] [@Lumiere] [@Cherry_shield] [@Inkarnate] Any further questions? I started this int-check a bit early because mediating all issues with everyone was getting a bit involved and complicated... On a related note, I'm looking for Co-GMs. >Help Clem!