Mevenn was about to jump at the chance of listening to the transmission that turned the best people she knew into traitors. She almost winced as Kresst raised his voice, his usual gentle demanour mometarily replaced with a sense of urgency as he described that Mach had been meant to recieve a priority order from Coruscant. Only that the cave system had prevented him from recieving the order, as had the subsequent damage to his helmet. He spoke up first. "I don't see how an order could turn my men into traitors. Maybe it wasn't actually them, we've seen droids wear clone armour before. It's not out of the question." Mevenn shook her head, fighting to keep her voice even and controlled. "Droids don't have the same presence in the Force, it's harder to gauge their actions than it is of a living organic being. If they had merely shot at me, and I had the chance to retreat without having my hand being forced to..." She fought to pick the right word, a word she could say. "-Go on the offensive. I may have agreed with you." She turned to Kresst. "Do you think that this order could have something to do with it? Mach is the only one out of the squad to not hear it, and he is the only one not to turn on us. Though how could an order do that?" "I think you're forgetting a possibility Commander." Mevenn turned her head to the Clone, confused. "What if they weren't the traitors? What if it's you?"