Kresst quickly broke his usual calm, though not out of emotion in this case. This was a situation that could escalate horribly, and quickly, if something was not done right away. "Stop. Both of you need to stop and listen to yourselves. You two know each other better than I ever could, and there are some questions you both need to ask yourselves. You have fought together for years, placed your lives in each other's hands. You have come to know each other as family, closer even, with what you have undoubtedly been through together. If you think back on all of that, all of the battles, and the bonding in between, then answer me this: Mach, if your superiors accused Mevenn of being a traitor, then ordered you to execute her immediately and without trial, would you do it? And Mevenn, with all you know of all of the others in your squad, of all their personalities, traits, flaws, and loyalties, do you honestly believe they would as well?" Kresst let out a long breath, his eyes shifting slowly between the two of them. "I do not know what, but I believe there is something else sinister afoot. This...darkness I feel, it is everywhere."