As for that last bit, you did go off on a tangent but that's okay. As for entropy, explain to me how matter, which cannot be created or destroyed according to science mind you, could come from a giant explosion billions of years ago. Keep in mind that before the Big Bang there was absolute nothingness. No matter. So where did it come from? And if you say it just "happened" or "appeared" (of which you have no scientific evidence by the way) then the Big Bang isn't science. It's religion. Think about it. Religious people believe in things that can't be proven right? Well how is the Big Bang theory, which states that everything came from nothing for no reason at all, any different to the idea that in the beginning God created everything? And how do you even know that's how it happened? You weren't there. Given all of this I'd say the Big Bang theory is more reliant on blind faith than actual religion. Just food for thought that has nothing to do with this.