[@Todd Howard] My two ideas were either a long/extreme range sniper (either using regular guns or maybe a magic rifle. Using a magic rifle would give it a bit more utility due to elemental rounds & maybe casting some long range magics. In the other hand, using regular guns would make it hit harder (balancing, since it would have a number of bullets she can fire before reloading.) The other idea was quite literally this: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/rs9V8YK5/a7062c25af607e07d3eb0ed36b02991f.jpg[/img] [/hider] Heavy armored front liner. Expect it being really, really durable while at the same time being quite aggressive. It would be troublesome to deal with due to the heavy armor (although it wouldn't be not even a little bit mobile). It's weapon would also be an interesting addition. While it wouldn't be exactly a long range weapon (At maximum a medium range weapon if not using buckshot). Being able to shoot while using her shield to defend and use buckshot ammo to hit in an area in front of her, slugs or even explosive rounds would be really nice.)