Aren't most gods sociopaths though, or at least show some signs of those personality traits? I'd say Anu is a sociopath, but then again, can you even describe a being as a God, as a sociopath? That's a human definition, trying to describe something more. Though we writers are human, so maybe that's how we justify such things? Does that make sense? Most of the gods in this setting are greedy and selfish honestly. Law promotes order, does it not? Certain gods don't like the notion of order. And that is why I believe Gammation thinks everyone is against him. It's not a personal thing whatsoever, it's just how certain gods perceive things. I could see how some laws could promote chaos however, but in the end all Law has punishments for being broken. Where Gammation might not be against chaos per say, other's might not see it that way. In the end, let's be civil folks and not attack each other alright?