[hr][hr][center][h1][color=0072bc]Jason[/color] and [color=a187be]Janelle[/color] [color=0072bc]Gauger[/color][/h1] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bwpq9G/ezgif_com_gif_maker.gif[/img] [I]Location: Seattle, Washington Interacting With: The group of teens[/I][/center][hr][hr] Jason noticed Isley in the marketplace, and he had been about to wave at her, when he stopped and glanced over at the group of teens nearby. What the hell were those older kids doing? Picking on the other one like that! It reminded him of how sometimes people tended to pick on Janelle because she was considered weaker by many, and generally was in the smaller kid's situation. It bugged him insanely, and he started to head that direction. She felt Jason heading towards that group, and she understood that he was likely going to try to stop them, but she wasn't so sure it was going to be a good idea. [color=a187be]"Jace... I don't think that would be such a good idea..."[/color] she said softly, but knew that it was no use, her brother could be a bit stubborn, and she felt him walk away from her, heading straight for the kids. This was not going to end well, that much she did know. [color=0072bc]"Hey you there! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!"[/color] Jason called to the group as he headed over there, and shoved on of them to the side slightly, and getting in between them and the younger kid. This was annoying him, and he wanted to help the younger one, whether he wanted his help or not. Sometimes people could just be so rude to one another, it made his blood boil. Janelle let out a small sigh, hearing her brother's words. This entire situation could have been avoidable, but no, her brother just wanted to play the hero. [color=a187be]"Come on Jace, don't do this..."[/color] she said as she kind of edged towards the group now, slowly to make sure that she didn't run into anyone. She hoped that Jason wouldn't get himself hurt or anything.