[quote=@TheGrundlesnart] I'll express interest. Are things like androids things that exist in the setting? (Downloading one's brain into a robot seems like a decent avenue for immortality, really.) [/quote] Yes, automotons, living armors, and yes... even possessed demonic swords do exist in the MGE and would be acceptable. -Some of them may take greater mental gymnastics, similar to explaining the eccentric habit of a certain garlic-loving nom-happy demi-vampire. Just going to point out that robots [i]do[/i] tend to break down, and hard to repair. [i]Especially the ones with human levels of intelligence[/i]. Plus not everyone copes with realizing they woke up a robot quite so well as others, especially if there's a considerable amount of time between the upload to a file, and download into a working robotic hull. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4tbbcWqDyY]There actually was a game[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8I_J2VjsqQ]that covered this problem.[/url] [quote=@ZAVAZggg] So you're going up against Necromorphs... These guys: [img]https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.axgu-svaV_7YMK1giBG_QwHaJo&w=190&h=247&c=8&o=5&pid=1.7[/img] As anime style (I'm assuming) monster girls in mechs? Alllriiight... [/quote] Yes. If you've seen everyday life with a monster girl, or interview with a monster girl, you've got just about the right idea. Except they're attending an academy to pilot mechs... similar to infinite stratos (I guess).