[center][h1][color=39b54a]Bastian Felstead[/color][/h1][/center] Bastian lost track of how long he had been falling after awhile. As far as he knew he could have been falling for days, maybe even weeks. All this spare time was a great opportunity for his mind to run wild. His entire life flashed before his eyes. The attack on the village, his mother, Gwen, that damned tower engulfed in flames as he made his escape, and Leo. Rising above every ever thought, however, was a single notion: He wanted to go home. He just wanted to go back to his family and forget all of this. He wanted to forget the wolfborn, forget the bard that was dragged off into the night, forget poor Felix who now laid dead in a field. He wanted to go home. Eventually he found himself on solid ground. Bastian was confused. He didn't remember hitting the ground. He wasn't in any pain. After running through a mental checklist and making sure every part of him worked as it should he sat up. His belongings were scattered around him, so he began to collect them. As he did so he noticed the mysterious old man and a giant dog that seemed to have taken a liking to Lorenzo. After all the strange things that had happened today, he was now officially of the mindset that anything was possible at this point. The man seemed very enthusiastic to see Marque, and Marque seemed rather joyous to have found him as well. This man must have been who he had recruited them to help find. However, the man was now babbling something about heading to a mysterious tower off in the distance that was projecting some sort of light. Marque requested that the man explain everything on the way, but Bastian had had just about enough for one day. [color=39b54a]"We're not proceeding anywhere,"[/color] Bastian said after retrieving his belongings. [color=39b54a]"I don't want answers on the way. I'm getting them now."[/color] Bastian approached the old man clearly irritated. [color=39b54a]"What were those things up there? Where are we now? What does that tower have to do with anything? And most importantly why should I give a damn? Marque recruited us to help find you and we did, so if it's all the same to you, I would like to go home to my family.[/color] [hider=Gear] Blanket 3 days of rations Flask Flint and Steel Kindling Rope Knife Cloak Medical Bag [/hider]