[i]Drip...[/i] [center][i]Drip...[/i][/center] [right][i]Drip...[/i][/right] It was dark, yet everything here could see. It was silent, but deafening to any mortal that tread here. Not even the ones who were from here liked it... ...and that's the reason they were there. The deepest pit of hell, Tartarus by the Greeks, but it was far worse. What does a demon fear the torture of? Being forgotten. This was a devil's hell, and not one being enjoyed being here. Not even the most deranged entity in existence. This was the fate of the Seven Deadly Sins, or the Cardinal Vices formally. They were the stars of hell, brought low. Now they endured in a cave system in hell's trashcan. They survived of wandering soul's vices, but little did they know that they had a friend still. A thin demon with bat's wings, red eyes, grey stony skin, and a unholy sash showing his allegiance watched them from above. This was Neromus the Gargoyle. He had orders, now he had to fill them. But he needed to wait on the mortal. For now, watching the sins bicker was enough. (Now you all make your first posts. No doubling up. H=Give everyone a chance.)