[indent] [center][img]https://farm1.static.flickr.com/388/30811688373_2ebd351159_b.jpg[/img] [color=BA242D]Bryce[/color][/center] [hr] [color=BA242D]Name:[/color] Bryce Wulfblod [color=BA242D]Age:[/color] 34 (Appears early 20’s) [color=BA242D]Race:[/color] Branded [color=BA242D]Gender:[/color] Male [color=BA242D]Affiliated Nation:[/color] Daein [color=BA242D]Class:[/color] Lance Knight [color=BA242D]Inventory:[/color] Iron Lance [hr] [color=BA242D]Personality:[/color] Loyal, Fair and Brooding [color=BA242D]Background:[/color] As a young child Bryce experienced a relatively normal and peaceful childhood with his mother in the north eastern provinces of Daein. Unfortunately, Bryce’s father was never involved in his life, but his mother loved the boy enough for two parents. Growing up, Bryce’s mother frequently shared her families history with her son, retelling warstories spanning three generations. It was no surprise that when the young man came of age he enlisted in the army. Life in the army was good, and Bryce got along well with his comrades, that is until his brand surfaced. Fearful of prosecution Bryce hid his nature until he was relieved of duty. Returning home, Bryce revealed his brand to his mother and after a tearful confession heard the truth of his parentage. While still maintaing a healthy relationship with his mother, Bryce has lived on his own. Fearful of discovery, Bryce has moved from town to town, but has never settled for more than a few years. [/indent]