"Don't do anything impulsive" Came the command of a gem about as small as ruby. She had no reason to listen to this fellow dwarf, they looked weak. Chances are they couldn't even take a punch, let alone a hit from her Tonfa. Despite this, something within Ruby gave way to her. It was like she had no choice but to oblige the words of the other like they were her superior. As the puzzled gem questioned her complacency another voice came her way in a kinder tone. The voice of reason was from the tall Serendibite, and as Ruby slowly moved her head up to reach the face of the soldier she instead saw a cryptic mask. Before she knew it she was standing straight and firm and she looked as attentive as she was listening, which was better than she ever had in her life. Something about these others gave her a sense of urgency, to any other creature she instead barely paid attention to what they said unless their fortunes would rise and fall together. As she listened to her question, the Ruby paused, moving to look to the ground and rub her angular chin as she pondered over the question. What was she doing here? She knew just as much as they did. As she looked around, the team was just as clueless as to what the map was as she was too. Perhaps some real answers would help them out and so she gave a shrug. "I don't really know Sir, uh, sorry I called you sir" She mumbled as she tapped her thumbs together nervously. "I just sort of felt the need to go this way. I was just selecting a place on the map like we were told to"