Damn. This chat sure exploded in the time I was gone. All I can say is to rest assured as all answers regarding order, chaos and the state of the universe as a whole will come in time. For now we'll deal with the plant spire event while I plot out what comes after. I do want to leave some time for the deities to resolve their internal plotlines before the next big time skip. While I have discussed certain matters as was necessary regarding the introduction of new deities I have disclosed very little of what lies ahead. As an additional note I remember one or two of our current members wanted to put forward deities of combat & purity unless I'm mistaken. I've forgotten who wanted their new gods introduced from the current cast of our participating roleplayers so if those who want their new deities introduced can message me about them I'll discuss their introduction in private. Like always if I've missed any questions from anyone asked earlier in the chat do please let me know as I have a fair amount to go through and my memory doesn't always serve me with perfect recollection of past posts. Given how popular this chat has been it'd absorb pretty much all of my time combing the prior OOC posts to try and stay on top of everything that's said by everyone for the most part. _ By the way since it's a somewhat incendiary topic I must ask you all to please not discuss real world religions in this OOC. I wish to maintain a relatively civil chat for everyone and such topics are sadly tinder for heated debates which this little thread is not the place for.