[center][color=9efbb6][h1]Valen[/h1][/color] [@PlatinumSkink] [/center] [hr] Valen was left feeling somewhat befuddled after the exchange with the old-fashioned dressed gentleman. He hadn’t offered a whole lot of explanation, and though Valen wanted to ask more questions, he figured night time would be better. After all, that was when the pokemon would appear. The client hadn’t mentioned [i]what[/i] pokemon would appear, however, and that left Valen feeling uneasy. Then again, the man had mentioned he was with the trainer’s school. Why would he give out a difficult task? The job in question had mentioned that even beginning trainers were qualified to help. But what constituted a beginning trainer, exactly? Six months of experience? Three months? [color=9efbb6][i]He would probably specify if something was really wrong…[/i][/color] Valen thought. Looking at Qwerty, he saw the Porygon was brimming with excitement. Clearly she felt the opposite about the whole situation. To Qwerty, it was an opportunity to be grabbed. He wasn’t sure if he had the heart to tell her he was having second thoughts for the second time. Not to mention, the man had already given him the money. And to knock on the door only to tell the man he couldn’t do the job? That was embarrassing. So what could they do? Valen felt ill-prepared and he knew in order to actually do his intended job, not to mention beat down this general feeling of anxiety, he needed to get ready. What did trainers do to prepare? [color=9efbb6][i]Train,[/i][/color] he realized, both nervousness and excitement fluttering in his chest. He’d never [i]trained[/i] a pokemon before. Checking Qwerty’s moves on his pokedex, he noted that while his pokemon had some interesting options for defense, her attacks didn’t seem as powerful. Tackle was a basic move, and it wasn’t shabby, but what if the target pokemon could resist Qwerty’s tackle? [i][color=9efbb6]What pokemon resist Tackle?[/color][/i] he wondered. [i][color=9efbb6]Wait… I’m the trainer now. I should know that. Maybe I need to do some more research. Like, he said he was with the trainer’s school. He’s giving me until night time. Maybe he expects me to prepare?[/color][/i] It made sense, after all, that a teacher would want a student to study and apply what they learned. [color=9efbb6]“Qwerty, since we’ve got some time, want to head to the trainer’s school? Maybe we can find some information or something. And maybe you can train there, to prepare for tonight, you know?”[/color] “Kre!” A [i]school.[/i] The Porygon was beyond thrilled. After they arrived to the school, Valen took note of his surroundings. There was apparently an Elite Four in the school, a myriad of trainers to battle against, and even a happy little patch of grass where pokemon could be found. There were so many different things to do, and Qwerty zipping around the halls wasn’t helping with narrowing down the scope. [color=9efbb6]“Qwerty! Come on, you’re in a school. You’re not supposed to rush through the hallways,”[/color] Valen said, trying to hide his giggling, so as not to encourage the Porygon with her antics even more. [color=9efbb6]“Alright, alright, lemme push this door open…”[/color] As they reached the end of a hallway, Valen opened the door, sunlight splashing cheerfully on his face. [color=9efbb6]“Well, hey, we’re in the courtyard now. Maybe we can find someone to, like, spar or whatever it’s called with.”[/color] Qwerty nodded, studying the area before them with great interest. It was a decently sized playground with a plethora of pokemon and people partaking in all sorts of recreation. There were quite a few large structures that she did not understand the purpose of at all. What was the steel construction that looked like a ladder placed sideways? What was the contraption that was built of steel pipes and dome shaped? They were monkey bars and climbing domes, respectively, but Qwerty had no idea, of course. They were interrupted by a, “A Porygon? That’s cool, it’s supposed to be a Virtual pokemon, right?” Valen and Qwerty both spun around to see a, thankfully, friendly faced boy talking to them. [color=9efbb6]“Oh, yeah, uh, her name’s Qwerty. I just, actually, uh, got her,”[/color] Valen replied, trying to sound confident but feeling anything but. Talking to people was nerve-wracking, no matter how gregarious they seemed. “Well what’s your name?” The boy inquired, not seeming to care. “Mine’s Rex.” He stuck out his hand and Valen, not wanting to be rude, shook it. [color=9efbb6]“Valen. I’m Valen. And I’m actually a really new trainer. I mean, I just got my pokemon a little over an hour ago,”[/color] Valen admitted. [color=9efbb6]“I-It’s nice to meet you, Rex.”[/color] “Wow, you’re a total noob!” Rex laughed. “It’s okay. I’ve only been a trainer for a few weeks. We all start somewhere, right?” [color=9efbb6]“Yeah,”[/color] Valen replied, chuckling, feeling ever so slightly more relaxed. [color=9efbb6]“Yeah, guess you’re right.”[/color] “So, Valen, what brings ya to the trainer’s school, if you don’t mind me asking?” [color=9efbb6]“Well, I guess I wanted to check it out and kind of train I guess. I thought there’d be a lot of trainers here. I don’t really know anybody though…”[/color] “Well why don’t your pokemon and mine train for a bit? I’ve never fought a [i]Virtual[/i] pokemon before,” Rex said, grinning. At Valen’s immediate switch to an anxious facial expression he held up his hands. “I don’t mean an official battle or nothin’. Just training! I could you show you some battling tips n’ stuff, and your Porygon could probably learn some from my pokemon. I just meant it’d be a good experience! For your pokemon and mine, ya know?” [color=9efbb6]“Oh, uhhh,”[/color] Valen paused, flipping through yes and no. [color=9efbb6]“Qwerty?”[/color] Qwerty flipped in mid air, practically honking. She was ready to train. He took a deep breath. It was going to be fine. He had to be able to do things like this, for himself and Qwerty and whatever other pokemon he'd be taking care of. [color=9efbb6]“Well, it’s a good idea and we came here to do that anyways, so I can't say no. Ha, just, uh, don’t make fun of me okay. I’m really, [i]really[/i] new to this stuff,”[/color] Valen laughed sheepishly, rubbing his shoulder. “No worries! You guys’ll be fine!” At Rex’s call, his pokemon’s forms coalesced outside their pokeballs—there was a Poliwag and a Butterfree. “Why don’t you try practicing on my guys first and then we can try and work on your dodging?” [color=9efbb6]“Sounds good,”[/color] Valen replied, trying to calm himself. It was [i]just[/i] training! [color=9efbb6][i]You can do this. Let’s start, come on![/i] “Qwerty, let’s try a Sharpen and then a Tackle!”[/color] “That Porygon’s a newbie but those angles are getting sharper. Look alive, guys!” The training commenced. [hider=Actions] Drummed up a random NPC to train with! [/hider] [hr] [hider=Pokemon] [center] Qwerty the Porygon [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/x-y/normal/porygon.png[/IMG] Ability: Trace [ Sharpen, Tackle, Conversion, Conversion2 ] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 1500p Potion x1 [/hider]