[hr][CENTER] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmJmYzRjNS5VbWwwWVNCV2IzSnZibUUsLjA,/divat.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmY4YzE1OS5RbWxzYkhrZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjA,/playtime.regular.png[/img] [b][code]Hillview High - Mason Square[/code][/b] [sub][@Fernstone][/sub][/center][hr] Rien’s arrival froze Billy in place, and gave Rita just the necessary wiggle room to drive her knee up into his groin. Billy let out a soundless scream as he let Rita go and doubled over. Rita backed away from him and gave him a horrified look; he had truly planned to throw her into the barrier surrounding them. A whirlpool of emotions swirled inside of her, fear and anger at the top. She pulled her hands, balled into fists, against her chest, as if she was ready to throw a haymaker at Billy if he tried to get up. “Jesus, man,” squeaked Billy as he held himself, “I was just joking. Obviously.” “That’s bullshit!” yelled Rita as she pointed an accusatory finger at Billy and looked frantically at Rien. “He’s lying! He’s lying!” “I’ll admit it was a little tasteless. Ow. Dude, I think you cracked one…” said Billy as he tossed a smile over to Rien. God this girl had begun to annoy him. He just wanted to find a way out; it obviously wasn’t personal, so why make such a big deal out of it? He focused his mind at her, instinct as his guide, as he reached out with his Abstraction. Rita felt a weight enter her mind as she was hit by a wave of exhaustion; she didn’t know how, but she knew it had come from Billy. [b][i][color=lightgray]“What are you doing?”[/color][/i][/b] she demanded “Just trying to put you to sleep,” he said in a daze, and then he snapped out of it with a look of confusion. As he seemed to become aware again of his surroundings the feeling of exhaustion that had hit Rita began to dissipate. He smiled up at her, and said, “Seriously, you should calm down.” “How about we test it with this, yeah?” Rien asked, holding up the mouse. “Aw, poor rat,” said Billy, as he got on his feet. “Rita, would you like to do the honors?” Rita took a step back. “Fine, suit yourself,” said Billy, as he grabbed the mouse out of Rien’s hand and chucked it at the wall. It squeaked as it sailed through the air before it hit the black void and disintegrated as it was dissolved by the orange light. Billy stared at the empty spot where the mouse had hit the wall, a guilty look on his face, and then turned around in time to spot Rita as she fled away from them. With a cock of an eyebrow Billy turned to Rien with a shrug. “Some people, right bro? You don’t think you can draw us a doorway or something?” [hr][CENTER][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjkyM2Y2MC5VR1Z1Ym5rZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjA,/youth-and-beauty.regular.png[/img] [b][code]Hillview High - Mason Square[/code][/b] [sub][@Surtr Inc][/sub][/center][hr] The Glutton was coming at Penny again, even faster than before. She didn’t need the side effects of her Abstraction to tell her that there was no time to dodge it, and gasped when Claire came out of her peripheries with a nasty right hook that sent the Glutton flying. Penny was shocked by two thing: first, she never expected Claire to try and save her and second, she thought the thing was untouchable. Had Claire’s aura nullified its ability to eat everything it touched? Penny gave a supportive “Fuck yeah!” as Claire clobbered the abomination again, and again, and— Penny’s face went pale as the Glutton swallowed and then disappeared Claire’s arm, and screamed when it impaled her on a spike. Claire had been someone Penny had hated, but even she could begrudgingly admit that Claire was the strongest out of all of them. Penny felt her spirit shatter as she watched the girl go limp and slide down the Glutton’s appendage, her hand held up to her mouth in horror. Her vision blurred, a mix of her Abstraction and the tears in her eyes, as she seeked out her remaining companions. It was clear they could no longer fight this thing. She looked over at Britney as her former friend pounded the ground in frustration. She rushed over to the girl in an awkward, broken stumble and grabbed her on the shoulder. In a hushed, choked voice she whispered, “Get up. We have to run.”