Mergoux's footsteps echoed through the catacombs, until with a sickening splash, she entered the sewers. The smell was obscene, and it took a great deal of willpower for The Butcher to hold back a gag. Wrinkling her nose in revulsion, she pressed determinedly onwards towards the noise of the girl. She didn't pause to stifle the stench, knowing already that getting it from her armor and clothes would take days. Instead she kept going, even as waves of foul air billowed around her. It didn't take long for them to find the child, a small girl, cowering with her back to them. The poor thing was curled against the wall, and Mergoux's first instinct was to move forwards and comfort the girl, but... she couldn't bring herself to do it, something felt... off. Looking over her shoulder, she saw her unwanted companions working among themselves. A crossbow was being aimed at the girl, a thing which normally would send Mergoux into a rage, but now she remained calm, if nothing else then for the child's sake. Sheathing one of her knuckle daggers, she stooped low and shuffled forwards, one gauntleted hand outstreached. [color=green]"Easy there."[/color] she said, softly, almost kindly. It was not the tone she'd spoken to the others with, but one that promised no harm. [color=green]"Are you alright? Turn child, let me see you." [/color] As she spoke, the Bone-Mage's stunned whisper registered in her brain, and Mergoux tensed, her right hand gripping her weapon tightly in case all went to hell in the next few moments. [color=green]"Child, let me see your face, please, no harm will come to you." [/color]she promised, though privately she already knew that her promise was a lie. If the mage was right, then the creature before her would have to be put down, permanently.