Stonefall was a rather bleak looking castle, with no decorations, save a few large flags with the sigil of House Komos to remind the people of Stonetown of who their ruling lords were. As the riders were welcomed within the walls of the castle, they could see quite a few soldiers present both on the walls of the castle and inside of it, training with their various weaponry. This would be suspicious for most other houses, however, as a Marcher Lord meant to guard the kingdom from foreign incursions, Sylla needed to always have soldiers ready. Lady Sylla was present there as well, currently overseeing the training of a few archers, with her husband and two of her personal guards at her side. She greeted the three riders with a polite smile, recognizing the insignia of the Department of Justice. She kept her smile and listened to the proposition that they had for her. Her smile grew slightly as she heard that she basically had to intimidate a Head Scholar suspected for stealing a jar of very precious spirit. "I understand and accept the mission, sir." she said to the fellow from the Department of Justice, accepting the letter which he had handed to her. "I will head there as soon as possible with a few riders, you, however, please, rest here for the night, I'm sure you are tired from your travels all the way from the capital." With a wave of her hand, one of her guards nodded to her and began leading the three men inside the keep and to a few unused rooms within the keep itself. Sylla waited until after the three men were no longer within earshot that she turned towards her husband. "My dear, organize twenty riders for me, this is an indirect order from the king himself and I'm afraid I cannot refuse it." She said, and her husband raised a brow as if wishing to ask what her plan was, before nodding and moving onwards towards the stables. Sylla now turned to her remaining guard with the same smile on her face. "You, my friend, will go back inside the keep and have a message sent to this Carn via raven that I wish to come and visit his institute in search for some knowledge!" The guard nodded and headed inside the keep to have the message sent, while Sylla's smile grew to fariy large grin as she thought of the various situations this incident could go.