[hider=🤘🏻The Metalhead🤘🏻][hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181202/d40e4e551cebe8ef5bc0901baa03fada.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/J7mGpdg/main.png[/img] [color=777777][sub]Just because I wear corpse paint when I perform it doesn't mean I'm some sort of satanic cultist...it just looks badass![/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Name: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Robert Cadogan [indent][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Rob [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Caddy[/indent][/i][/color][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Age: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Seventeen[/i][/color][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Gender: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Male[/i][/color][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Sexuality: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Heterosexual[/i][/color][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] More In Depth Appearance: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] The metal scene of the school isn't exactly flourishing but that doesn't stop Rob from wearing whatever he wants. More often than not he'll have a pair of slim fitting jeans and a band shirt on while his footwear ranges from sneakers all the way to boots that look like they belong on a building site. If he ever needs an extra layer to keep warm, which is a rarity as he just doesn't seem to feel the cold, he'll opt for a flannel shirt or his trusty denim jacket with its wide array of band patches. He stands at six feet and one inch and weighs in at one hundred and eighty six pounds. His frame is slight but it hides a strong musculature that he isn't afraid to put to use whether it be manual work or in some cases physical confrontations. His hair is long and at its longest point reaches to his lower back. He usually allows it to flow freely but will at times wear some form of hat to stop it blowing in his face. In terms of transport he drives a 1969 Ford Boss 429 Mustang which he bought for next to nothing due to being in an non-functional state. Using money earnt from odd jobs and through some shrewd purchases, he has managed to restore it to its former glory.[/i][/color][/indent] [center][hr][img]https://i.ibb.co/G0gmwdM/left.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/MSPxkPG/middle.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/v4vLQZb/right.png[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Adventurous [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Opinionated [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Intelligent [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Stubborn [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color][/i][/color][/center] [color=777777]☩[/color] Personality: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Rob is a highly intelligent individual who doesn't need to study to do well in school. This intelligence is what drives his adventurous nature, the wanting to learn and experience everything he can while he can. Whether its wandering off into the mountains to go camping or taking part in a few friendly games of paintball, he just likes to keep himself active. His biggest misgiving is that he is very opinionated, another result of his intelligence. He doesn't mean to but he will almost always weigh in on a discussion even if nobody is asking for his opinion. Even so he doesn't mean any harm by it and will apologise when his friends bring him up on it. They have realised the best way to deal with him is to just tell him he's doing it again. On a more ethical level Rob stands up for those who can't do it themselves and will quite happily crack the biggest of jocks on the jaw if needed. People who say violence doesn't stop violence have clearly never been in high school. When a bully knows that they are going to get a swift punch to the mouth if they pick on someone smaller than them, they soon stop. As a person his heart is in the right place and he is a true friend to those who are close to him. He'll do pretty much anything for anyone he cares about and will even make time for those he doesn't necessarily know. Whether it is someone crying alone or someone dropping their books in the hallway, he is just a genuinely nice guy.[/i][/color][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Quirks: [indent][indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] If a song he likes comes on he will head bang no matter where he is. [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Will quite happily shout [i]"SLAYER"[/i] if he see's a fellow metal fan even if he's in a library. [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Eats like a king but doesn't gain the weight. [/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Hobbies: [indent][indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Music [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Rock climbing [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Brazilian Jiu Jitsu [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Gaming [[color=aaaaaa]Video games/Board games[/color]] [/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent][indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Likes [indent][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Heavy metal [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Food [[color=aaaaaa]Particularly meat[/color]] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Playing and attending gigs [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Horror movies [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Mechanics [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Beer[/indent][/i][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Dislikes [indent][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Militant vegans [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Bullies [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] People who are fake [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Vegetables [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Cats [/indent][/i] [/color][/indent][/indent][center][hr][img]https://i.ibb.co/qn5M9CD/car.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Family Members: [indent][indent][color=cccccc][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Karl [color=black]|[/color] [color=777777]Father[/color] [color=black]|[/color] [i]Doting father who loves his family and works as a mechanic.[/i] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Annette [color=black]|[/color] [color=777777]Mother[/color] [color=black]|[/color] [i]Killed by a hit and run driver six years ago but the person was never found.[/i] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Matt [color=black]|[/color] [color=777777]Brother[/color] [color=black]|[/color] [i]Rob's younger brother who is almost a carbon copy of him.[/i] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Rufus [color=black]|[/color] [color=777777]Dog[/color] [color=black]|[/color] [i]A three year old German Shepherd brought into the family after their old dog Leo died.[/i] [/color][/indent][/indent] [center][hr][img]https://i.ibb.co/1qP4Mxg/family1.png[/img][hr][/center] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Biography: [indent][color=cccccc][i][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Rob had a standard upbringing as a young child with nothing really of note happening. His parents cared for him and his brother and the family never wanted for anything. His father Karl was the town mechanic and a well liked man amongst the populace. His mother Annette didn't work but kept the house in order and basically ran the family. It was her that got Rob into brazilian jiu jitsu of all things just after his fifth birthday. She was slightly paranoid about bullies and so made sure he would be able to defend himself if needed. He took to it well and is still practising it currently. As he grew older Karl began to teach Rob about the inner working of a car, passing on his mechanical knowledge. With a natural talent to learn and being quite a physical person Robert excelled. For him though it was just about spending time with his dad. Through this time the pair grew a close bond that opened it's doors to Robs younger brother Matt. Unfortunately the fairy tale start to his life ended when he was eleven. While out shopping his mother crossed the road but was knocked over by a speeding car. Annette was dead before she even hit the floor. The event was tragic for the boys she left behind, even more so because the driver of the car was never found. It took a while for Rob and his father to get over the loss, at least somewhat fortunately Matt was too young to truly understand what was going on. In the year that followed things were hard but towards the back end of the year they became somewhat easier. The loss and pain would never truly go away but Karl took Rob to speak to a counsellor and together they learnt to deal with the grief. Even with the death of his mother Rob's school work didn't suffer. He had always been a clever boy but in high school he excelled. His grades maintained a minimum of A's across the board and there was often jokes amongst his friends of his corpse painted face delivering the valedictorian speech at their graduation. While it was a joke the chances of it happening grew bigger as the years ticked by towards their graduation day. He is in prime position to get the honour and for the fun of it one hundred percent intends to turn up in his on-stage persona. Speaking of his on-stage persona, he is part of a heavy metal band who play more for fun than having any real intention of making it big. He plays guitar and covers lead vocals, having quite a wide range in his voice being able to hit high screams and gutteral lows. They cover pop songs, write originals and play multiple different sub-genres of metal. It is a hobby but if there is ever an opportunity to perform they'll happilly accept. They usually act as a warm up for any touring bands that go through their small town meaning they get a little pay day and get to meet some pretty big bands from the metal scene.[/i][/color][/indent] [color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] Theme Song: [indent][color=777777][b]☩[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Skeletal II: Arise[/i][/color] [color=black]|[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Heart of a Coward[/i] [indent][sub]We arise Walk in this fire When will life Feed my desire[/sub][/indent][/color][/indent] [center][hr][img]https://i.ibb.co/R2cHhYH/splitter.jpg[/img][hr][color=cccccc] [b]Rob & Bernie[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Bernadette [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] When Rob and his family moved to Sterling Heights Bernie was his next door neighbour. While they initially didn't talk in school, after a couple of days they realised they were neighbours and started to build a strong friendship. Being the adventurous type, she'd always invite herself to his random activities whether it be rock climbing, wandering off into the wilderness or going to one of his gigs. Rob doesn't think she's quite ready for corpse paint yet. They have remained good friends. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/NlNuoJNkpSLle/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & Ron[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Ronald [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] The two have been in the same schools since Rob arrived in Sterling Heights but for a long time rarely shared a word. It was only when they entered high school and their friendship circles merged that they really spoke. There is absolutely no animosity between the pair and they will stop in the hallway to talk, they just don't often look to hang out away from the group. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/tHVtQIZXlGVec1xQx7/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & Isaac[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Isaac [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] A quiet guy who Rob first really spoke to when hiking in the nearby forestry. They spoke for a few hours and from there developed a friendship. While not necessarily one of Rob's closest friends, he's definitely someone he likes because he has seen past Isaac's solitary nature and seen a genuinely nice person. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1foViHTDwx9oWB67YB/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & Ara[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Arabella [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] First met during elementary school when Rob moved to Sterling Heights. Their teacher had her show Rob around for the entire day and by the end of the day he had only managed to get one word in. Since that day they have remained very close friends. Even though she is the head cheerleader and he's seen as a future satanic cult leader, they are as close as they have ever been. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/16bJmyPvRbCDu/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & DJ[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Daniel [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] Rob likes DJ a lot and for the most part they share similar humour. At times DJ can go a bit over the top which annoys Rob but it doesn't go as far as affecting their friendship. They have been friends for a long time and likely will be for a long time. The two are currently three years into a DnD campaign and are approaching it's completion. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/MtOm4VcsXcMko/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & Deus[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Amadeus [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] Quite an odd couple, one looking like the spawn of Satan at weekends with the other a future basketball hall of famer. Yet the two share a mutual appreciation for each other over their strong moral compasses. While they may not hang out as much as they do with the other members of the group, they will always make the effort to get to each others gigs or games when possible. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/pHb82xtBPfqEg/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & August[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] August [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] They share a love for music that transcends genres. They have been in the same band classes since elementary school and bonded over music, appreciating each others taste and the skill it requires. They can play off each other well when performing music but do occasionally delve into conversation about history and other topics. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Ub0MzB3qhtkY0/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & Alice[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Alice [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] Rob and Alice have a rather unique relationship in that they are similar while being so different. A contradiction in terms most certainly but the relationship is that hard to describe. There is often an awkwardness that is only really overcome when they speak on a one to one basis, if anything it's the only way they can truly get through to the heart of the other person and enjoy each others company. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1fm1gG4gtJ5jnlyUk9/giphy.gif[/img][hr] [b]Rob & Claire[/b] [color=777777][b]Character:[/b][/color] Claire [color=777777][b]Summary:[/b][/color] While they rarely spoke before high school, they found they mutual love for Korean drama. In reality this is the basis of their friendship, talking about and watching Korean TV together. Beyond their binge sessions of the latest releases they only really spend time together in a group setting. That isn't because of any dislike of each other but because they just spend that much time watching Korean TV when they hang out. [b]General Emotions:[/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/14rEJREdvkfx1m/giphy.gif[/img][hr][/color][/center] [/hider]