[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jYqOTPr-hJLJsgjoioU8IeG-fDRIu8WlRkTNN8CvSfE/https/78.media.tumblr.com/2ab89af0fb5751c9d5ae666f24ca95b4/tumblr_pbwt0dYgzh1w6599so1_1280.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i][color=c1ba46]...I died?[/color][/i] The young, arrogant man looked down at his hands and noticed there was nothing wrong with them. Specifically, he had begun to look at his fingers, which had become prune from the water in his bucket. He'd been working hard in the house before things went sour, but he had not been away from the water long enough for his fingers to return to normal. This was how he decided to confirm his return, although simply looking around was more than enough evidence. Around this time, Aerith had tried to grab his attention. He glanced over at her, sighed, and simply replied in as calm a tone as he could muster that he needed a moment to himself. His hand came to his chin as he began to lose himself in his thoughts. And they were not pleasant ones. [i][color=c1ba46]I died... again...?[/color][/i] This was humiliating. How could he fall yet again! And this time, there was no visible foe with which to direct his hate. It caused him to grind his teeth, and his expression betrayed the rage lying beneath. He was not happy with this outcome at all. Who had killed him? How had they done so? Was it those candles? He recalled Fritzi had called them to attention before he passed out and presumably died from... poison? Or perhaps he was just stabbed in his sleep? He didn't know what exactly happened to him and the others, but he realized that they'd met their fate while searching for the good doc. [i][color=c1ba46]...But who could have set a trap for us there? How would they have ever known where the group would be?[/color][/i] Alistair could only assume that it had something to do with the attempted ass-- well, just the assassins that had attacked the boxer and Aerith earlier that had led them to seek out Donovan. Were there more, or did those ones somehow beat them to Donovan's and set the trap? If that were the case, they would have had to known where the group was headed, which could potentially mean that they'd been stalking the group for some time. But there were so many possibilities, and the irritation Alistair felt at being slain yet again was too great. He'd died twice now, so he was beginning to wonder when he'd get a chance to return the favor. He gave an audible sigh, then turned to find Aerith, who had desired his presence a minute earlier. Alistair approached Aerith and the others as she reached the end of her part, but remained silent as Ashton and Flame spoke. He wasn't sure how he felt about the evidence pointing towards Doctor Donovan. That man had a shine to his smile that rivaled a star, and an aura about him that could turn even the grouchiest bear into a trusted friend. Alistair did not want to believe such a man was capable of betraying them and murdering them, especially because he could not see how the man would benefit from doing so. Rather, Alistair would hold onto the belief that Donovan may have, unfortunately, been taken care of before their arrival. And if that were the case, the arrogant young Archibald was now considering the reset a blessing of sorts. [color=c1ba46]"Listen well, all of you. I, Alistair Archibald, am usually a benevolent and tolerant man, but there are three things I simply cannot stand: People who order me around, people who insult me, and... cowards."[/color] he voiced to the small group consisting of Hiro, Aerith, Flame, and Ashton. [color=c1ba46]"And these bastards that would dare attack us are exactly that. Striking when we've done nothing, and resorting to ambushing us. It's sickening. And thus, I will, of course, destroy them."[/color] he boasted, although he kept a similar level of voice as the others. Only the group would really hear him. He glanced at Hiro and Aerith. [color=c1ba46]"If you two could survive being caught blind by those idiots, then it simply means that with my assistance and the advantage of precognition, they'll pose little threat. After all, it seems obvious this phenomenon we are experiencing isn't something they are privy to, otherwise, they wouldn't have slain us. So this would provide us with the perfect opportunity to find out more information on what is going on. We'll crush them like the insects they are, and then beat the information we need out of them."[/color] he voiced his intentions. It was a rather elaborate way of saying he didn't mind repeating the circumstances leading up to the scene the assassins had caused. There was the smallest moment he considered simply going with Donovan now. It would perhaps benefit them to learn of what fate awaited him. But a deep nagging in his heart prevented Alistair from daring to respond to it. He knew that the chance existed that Donovan was not killed last "life", and that he may have even been part of the reason why they died. Alistair did not wish to be the one to have to confirm this, it would cost too much. [color=c1ba46]"As for you two,"[/color] he turned towards Ashton and Flame. [color=c1ba46]"Ignoring the pointless bit about interpersonal relationships, it would seem that your group did not meet with a terrible fate. Does this mean we're all linked in some way? Not all of us need to perish? That is... strange, but then again, this entire situation is. I suppose that's important information to keep in mind."[/color] Alistair did not want to be a leader figure, though he naturally had a tendency to take charge. It was a weird contradiction he faced here, and it was made apparent to him since he'd been asked to be a leader of sorts. [color=c1ba46]That sort of thing...isn't happening.[/color] While it was only natural for people to look up to someone like him and trust in him, the responsibility of other people was not a burden he wanted to shoulder for any extended period of time. He figured he ought to wait and see what Aerith thought. She did not appear like she was having fun, which was reasonable in this situation. Alistair was stressed too. His outlet was going to be these damned assassins. But what would be hers?