[hider=The Survivalist] [h1] [Color=OliveDrab]Isaac Theodore Chapel[/color][/h1] [Center] [img] https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1019581221695877121/i7BNTBL2_400x400.jpg [/img] [color=olivedrab][sub]"Don't worry, I've got you."[/sub][/color][/center] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Name: [indent]Isaac Chapel, sometimes goes by "Doc."[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Age: [indent]Seventeen[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Gender: [indent]Male[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] More In Depth Appearance: [indent]Isaac is a big dude. He's about 6'3", a little bit overweight but plenty athletic for his hobbies. Isaac keeps his hair short, and otherwise dresses comfortably. Isaac is often fidgeting and seeming to take stock of his surroundings, as if preparing for something to go wrong at any time. His hands are large and calloused, and he has his fair share of small scars from his adventures in the woods. [/indent] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRPD1okWWy2cWBreWpUJ3FiGtzb04Yf9OKPhMj7y6QVtjGvLc9e[/img][/center] [center][color=olivedrab]●[/color] Resourceful [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Distant [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Kind [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Worried [color=olivedrab]●[/color][/center] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Personality: [indent]Isaac is the kind of guy who seems to always have one foot out the door. He spends a good deal of his time taking care of those around him if he can, but he never sticks around. Isaac has broken up more than one fight in his Highschool career, and has gotten black eyes for his efforts, too. There are few people, if any, Isaac won't offer a helping hand to. If any girls have ever liked him, he wouldn't know and probably wouldn't believe any even if she told him to his face. Isaac is something of a loner by nature, but won't turn down invitations to socialize. Perhaps because he's the only person he knows who keeps a first aid kit on hand at all times, hence the nickname "Doc." Isaac isn't socially inept, and can handle himself just fine in a conversation, he just tends to keep to himself. The fact that he tends to spend long stretches of time by himself in the wilderness only adds to the perception of Isaac as some kind of strange medicine man.[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Quirks: [indent]+Keeps a first aid kit and basic pharmaceuticals on hand at all times. +Will spend entire weekends camping on his own. Doesn't let people come woth him. +Always wears running shoes, keeps boots in his backpack. +Knows a lot about medicine, first aid, and wilderness survival. +Has never been a boyscout, surprisingly. +Will occasionally be seen holding an ice pack, ice cube, or other cold items against his cheek, especially after long social interactions. [/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Hobbies: [indent]Camping, Running, Reading, Shop Class, Shooting, Skills Courses at the local Library.[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]LIKES: +Nature +Quiet +Reading +Animals +Hunting -Crowded Parties -Rap music -Subpar trail mix -Beef Jerky from stores -Drunks[/indent] [center][img] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DRgLLR0WkAE5IOw.jpg[/img][/center] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Family Members: [indent]Mother: Emilia Chapel Father: Don Chapel Younger Sister: Clara Chapel (14)[/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Biography: [indent] Isaac moved into town in his Sophomore year from another small town in Arkansas. He lives with his parents, who both work full time at the local pharmacy, which his dad runs. The Pharmacy is new and is still struggling, so their income is pretty sparse. But they're making rent. In recent years, Isaac's younger sister has suffered from depression severe enough to merit hospitalization at least twice. Isaac gives up most of the cash he earns as a janitor for the local grocery store so his family has spending money. His dad is away from home for much of the day. Isaac doesn't talk much about Arkansas, and only really says that he's glad he doesn't live there any more and he has a lot of shitty memories there. Isaac won a few shooting competitions in Arkansas, but hasn't done much more than regular hunting now that he's here. Isaac plans to go to medical school and become a doctor, though he seems to have a flair for psychology. He toys with the idea of being a psychiatrist, but has made no real decision as far as his future specialization. [/indent] [color=olivedrab]●[/color] Theme Song: [indent]Cut My Hair by Mounika [Sub] Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love But I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it Are you-you tired of me yet? I’m a little sick right now, but I swear When I’m ready, I will fly us out of here [/sub][/indent] [/hider]