[h3][center]A Very Vengeful New Life[/center][/h3] [hr] [center]‘Twas the week before New Life, And all through the Town, Everyone was dancing, There was nary a frown. With joy in their hearts, And a spring in their step, Our party of adventurers, Arrive in style to prep. In a sleigh pulled by horses, Through inches of snow, In Whiterun they appeared, With gifts in tow. For the children and orphans, And those in great need, But something was stirring, Oh, something indeed. As our party of friends, Made their way to the bar, A sneaker was sneaking, Watching from afar. A terrible fiend, With green skin and sad heart, Mr Frinch was his name, And he tore the Sleighs apart, Off he went through the night, With the gifts in a sack, But Miss Bindy Lou the Breton, Had been eating her snack, By her window in her room, With her cat on her lap, She watched Mr Frinch do his doings And she professed it was CRAP. But that is not all, That is seemingly afoot, A grumpy old miser, Named Ebeneezer Splut Imposing his taxes, Throughout the land, Stealing septims and food, And all fun was BANNED. Over on the other side, Was a boy home alone, His parents had left him, And his siblings were grown, Young Cavan on a mission, To solve a little crime, To foil the Sticky Bandits, And have them doing time He set up his house, With traps galore, Arrows ready to fire, And marbles on the floor, And last but not least, The cause of the Storm, A sister with more Magic, And her personality less than lukewarm… Miss Edith and Miss Emma, Orphan sisters of Whiterun, Miss Edith with a gift, Miss Emma a sense of fun… And so now we go back, To join our friends, And I, Sanguine, Will be back when the story ends… So for all of you here, Enjoy and be merry, Live, laugh, and love, For this could even get scary… Keep your wits about you, And don’t make a peep, For this New Life Festival, Will bring a Vengeance of the Deep… [/center] [hr] [indent]This is a closed, private roleplay for current members of the Vengeance of the Deep roleplay only[/indent]