[quote=@thewizardguy] So here's another attempt at a power for Joshua. How's this one sound? [hider=GUARDIAN] [INDENT][b][i]Superhuman Ability[/i][/b] | Protector's power takes the form of a mysterious humanoid figure, about 2.2 meters tall. This figure looks as if it's made of glass, fully transparent but ever so slightly distorting the images behind it. Only it's eyes are fully visible, being glowing purple slits of light. Joshua refers to this power as 'Guardian', and can summon/dismiss it at will. Guardian possesses notably superhuman physical attributes and a toughness comparable to steel, although it's body is long and slender. It's fingers can cut like a knife, when held at the right angle, sharp as a glass razor. While Joshua is capable of controlling Guardian, the figure also has it's own intelligence, and it's own plans. It cannot refuse Joshua's mental commands, but it can... interpret them. And it's a lot more vicious than he is. It's when Joshua enters battle that the true nature of his power becomes apparent. For every opponent who possesses the intent to harm Joshua, another Guardian is created. So long as that opponent maintains conscious and present, that extra Guardian remains active. Up to twenty different Guardians can be created at a time using this ability, not including the original Guardian. Even if the original Guardian is destroyed, another existing Guardian will be set as the 'original'. Destroyed Guardians will naturally 'regenerate' over the course of 12 hours, after which they can be summoned again. [b][i]Limitation(s)[/i][/b] | Only up to ten Guardians can be summoned at any one time, not counting the 'original'. The Guardians are under Joshua's control, and so long as he's directly controlling them they're fairly incompetent fighters. If he allows them to act on their own they're much more capable, but he's unlikely to do this as it also makes them much more vicious. The more Guardians are active the more effort controlling and managing them takes, to the point that he's likely to have a couple just standing still waiting for orders. The Guardians also can't move more than 100 meters away from Joshua. [b][i]Weakness(es)[/i][/b] | While Guardians are terrifying combatants, they're not individually as strong as most proper supers. That counts double when it's combined with Joshua's relative lack of skill. Furthermore, additional Guardians are only summoned when someone intends physical harm to befall Joshua. As such if someone exclusively targets his Guardians they can disarm him without summoning more enemies. Joshua is also unwilling to kill, and as such putting yourself in harm's way will usually cause him to recall the Guardians, often leading them to leave themselves open to a counterattack. This is risky, however, as if Joshua doesn't react fast enough the Guardian will gladly take the opportunity to kill an enemy.[/INDENT][/hider] [/quote] Just a couple of questions regarding this new power: [INDENT]-Where do the Guardians come from? -Superhuman physical attributes, you mention a toughness comparable to steel and knife-like fingers. What other attributes do the Guardians possess? -The Guardians have their own intelligence, are they therefore sentient? -In the abilities, it's mentioned Josh can summon up to twenty-one Guardians but then in limitations you only say ten, is this a case of 'ten at a time and as each one is destroyed he can replace them', meaning he can replace every Guardian at least once over the course of a battle? -[COLOR=SILVER]"[i]The Guardians are under Joshua's control, and so long as he's directly controlling them they're fairly incompetent fighters. If he allows them to act on their own they're much more capable, but he's unlikely to do this as it also makes them much more vicious.[/i]"[/COLOR], I really wouldn't consider this a limitation. -How specific is the intention to cause physical harm? If someone is mad at Joshua but not actually acting on their feelings despite thinking about hurting him, will the Guardians be summoned? If a woman slaps him across the face, does this trigger the Guardians?[/INDENT] Outside of those question, the durability of steel seems like a bit much when most supers in the RP have been capped at a one-tonne deadlift outside of Natalie who only has superstrength and has been allowed more. Meaning that one of these Guardians on its own is pretty powerful and able to tank most foes on durability alone, let alone in the numbers described. That's not including the other superhuman attributes which have been alluded to.