Syrax did a double take, first the girl he'd sat next to due to her cold reaction to the world had offered him some gum, and second another girl, this one with the same colour hair as the first sat on the other side of him. he resisted the urge to say anything about it instead he smiled lightly and looked at the girl offering him the gum. "thanks, I'm syrax by the way." he said to the girl on his Left (Zandrea) he glanced up at the girl on his right, now feeling somewhat short, that was a unusual occurrence for himself, he was used to being a fair bit taller than most, but then again that was among nomral humans, and he was slumped forward over the small desk in front of himself. he caught her glance and smiled a little seeing her eyes, like his own could not be hidden, golden and purple, well this'd be interesting. "Hi." was all he managed before she looked away, feeling a little disheartened Syrax tried to reduce his fear aura as far as he could. he went back to looking glumly at the stage, though he still had a slight smile on his face from the situation, things were looking a little up, even if he didn't meet these two again he could still smile for a small while. a rare thing for him. ------- Then the Headmaster walked on to the stage, robed as normal his head covered and the teachers filing in to the seats behind him. the headmaster stood up to the lecturn and coughed ostentatiously to get everyone's attention. "Well, I am pleased to welcome you all to Yokai Academy. I wish I could simply say that and then invite you all to find your dorms and rest. however I have a few Notices to give out." he paused and pulled a sheet of paper from inside his voluminous cloak. "First and Foremost, Once again I must re-itterate the rule which states you must not reveal, by using, discussing or otherwise, your monster form to anyone, outside of use within combat in the arena. Secondly, I will once again, explain the rules of the arena: No permanent injury, no death, no maiming, however Victory may be obtained through any method or any set of conditions." he paused glancing round at the teachers and then students. "There will be no curfu this year, however, any who are late for class will be given DOUBLE homeworks. and have deadlines HALVED, anyone found not handing in these homeworks will lose their free weekends to catch up. so don't be late!" another pause this one to let the statment sink in. "also for the first term the fourth floor clubhouse is out of use, as well as that entire wing, please do not enter it unless you want to find out if you are mortal. other than that we should be-" he stopped as a younger looking teacher, this one with two massive claymores strapped across his back, both of them in blood red leather cases. the new teacher, or possibly teaching assistant whispered something in to the headmasters ear and then walked off. The headmaster shrugged and turned back to the assembled students. "There have been some changes to a few things, The original no access rule between girls and boys dorms has been adjusted, you need a access card signed by the student in the other dorm you are visiting, and a teacher, this pass will last for 48 hours. there is now also a Year by Year based scoring table for the Arena Matches. Positions on this table will grant a free meal ticket at the end of each week, The top ten players will get four, while the top twenty get three, the top thirty, two, and the top fifty players will get one. once again, this is individual to each year, so there will be five different tables, games against older players or younger players, will not be counted in the tables." The headmaster sighed and looked round one last time. "Now! I hope you all enjoy your time at the Academy and Remember; You are safe here. there are, and will never be again, any humans in the school." and with that he turned and left, there was about another twenty minutes of verious teachers getting up and explaining things about parts of the school, however most of it could be guessed easily or learnt through watching older students.