[quote=@thewizardguy] [snip] [/quote] Okay so, your answer only half answers Wraith's question. Where does the [i]original[/i] come from? Does it come [i]from[/i] Joshua? Does it just materialize out of thin air? Does it fatigue Joshua to summon them? I think durability of that level works a tad differently. Something of that thinness would flex, but would not shatter. At the end of the day, what we're cross on is that your character, as it stands, has the ability to create ten golems (which is about 2/3 of our entire cast at the moment) with that level of offensive capability and resistance to punishment. We're okay with you having one hard to destroy golem, or several easy to destroy golems (like, say, the durability of glass). Right now, the ability allows you to have the best of both worlds. EDIT: If Josh lost consciousness, would the guardians still protect him? Or would they continue to materialize?