[h2][color=lightgreen]Ekon-Danna Turn Eight[/color][/h2] [hider=Summary:] Response C) Establish peaceful contact. Sand Shaper Senwe is being sent to use the world renowned Trollish diplomacy to talk to the Humans and find out who they are. Improvement A) Improve Food. Teshi Ekon is ordered to carve out farmlands for the animals to graze on, people to grow food on, and to provide stability (and distraction) for the population. [/hider] [hr] [i]“They could be anyone my Chief. They could be primitive hunters we would crush in moments or tribal folks hired by a continent spanning empire.”[/i] Teshi words trailed off. He'd reported his findings, but the information was sparse. The assembled crowd of trollfolk chatted amongst themselves at Teshi's words each adding their own perspectives and observations to their friends and any who stood beside them. Malak thought deeply as he idly drew patterns with his finger in the sand. A subtle nod signalled that he'd heard Teshi' advice as he crouched down. The bottom of his robes stroked the sands around him which had been disturbed by the feet of the growing village. [i]“The Great Howler shouts over all other ancestors, the future is unguided for now.”[/i] The trollfolk shuffled awkwardly as the Sand Shaman began speaking. Their type had a dark reputation over the ancestors and the world around them that many found distasteful. [i]“The song of Honoured Lwita pound through the lands of the other-side but we are surprised that She of the Bloodied Teeth sleeps soundly through this. I do not believe now is a time for war, my Chief.”[/i] Another nod towards Senwe showed the chiefs understanding as he gazed across the hollow eyes of the crowd that had come to see council being held. There were few in Hunzuu who didn't know about the humans by now, for as the humans watched from a distance the people of Hunzuu watched back. Trepidation had spread through the tents quicker than any wind or disease could. Not only were the humans not desert-dwellers but they weren't Sand Trolls! Looking across the dishevelled crowd, Malak saw so many people who had been displaced so recently. Their faces still haunted by the memories of friends and family who hadn't survived the perilous Flood of Tears. He knew that the Sand Trolls were refugees seeking comfort and stability, not warriors craving battles and glory. [i]“Our people are in no state to fight.”[/i] The crowd hushed at Malak's whispered words, straining to hear what they would do. [i]“Sand Shaper Senwe, gather your wits and a canvas. Discover who these humans are and what they want of this land, but do not mention the Flood of Tears for we must not show weakness.”[/i] Senwe nodded at the Chief requests. [i]“Teshi, I have other plans for you.”[/i] Malak stood up to address the jostling crowd around that had formed around the council. [i]“We, the Ekon-Danna, wish to provide for all who have decided to joined us. Each of you has travelled far and suffered much to pledge yourselves to my tribe, now we wish to provide stability to you all. To do this we must ask that you provide your time and labour towards our goals.”[/i] The assembled crowd, unsure what exactly this meant, began murmuring at the Chiefs words as he raised himself up and gestured to Teshi. [i]“Where water flows, Life grows.”[/i] Silent nods and disquiet mumbling rumbled through the crowd. [i]“Teshi will be organising the use of our water supplies. We shall create greener lands with artifice and innovation with which we can graze our livestock upon.”[/i] [i]“You heard the chief. Be prepared for some hard labour!”[/i] [hr] The days passed as the finest minds of Hunzuu begun pondering the task of artificially irrigating lands around the sprawling camp and stakes were placed to mark out areas of interest from larger-scale livestock pens. But as the harsh sun began its long descent below the horizon and into the ancestor-world, a trio of figures traipsed from the tangle of tents and trolls that was Hunzuu bearing three totems the same size as themselves. Each sandstone totems was carved with a frightening face on on side of them, this alongside their weight made them troublesome to carry and the trio's walk was awkward and slow. They travelled a short distance to where the Humans had last been seen coming from and reverently placed the totems, each giving off a dull thud as it impacted against the packed sands. Two of the figures, warriors by the way they held themselves, unrolled a thick canvas they had been carrying and began attaching it to the top of the totems they had placed. [i]“Oh, She of the Bloodied Teeth,”[/i] the third figure chanted to his totem which he had placed as the furthest from where the humans would arrive from. [i]“Take this offering of my blood, so that you might sleep undisturbed throughout these talks.”[/i] With those words he pulled a flint dagger from his robes and cut a long line through his palm. As the blood flowed, the figure slathered his crimson life across the totems teeth before his wounds sealed the shallow wound. He bowed and moved to the second totem, holstering his dagger once more. [i]“Honoured Kushi of the Bubbling Spring,”[/i] the harsher tones had faded from his voice as he approached the second totem. [i]“Bless these fine lands we now find ourselves in.”[/i] He drew a water pouch from his robes and continued [i]“and spit your bounty across these talks with these unknown others we find in our paths.”[/i] He sloshed a handful of water into the totems mouth, checking some of the water remained in the totems carved mouth before putting the water skin back and moving to the third totem. As he reached the third totem the two warriors had finished fastening the canvas atop all three sandstone pillars and had lain a crudely woven reed mat across the floor to rest on. [i]“Lwita, you who have guarded our tribes since time began,”[/i] the third figure continued [i]“we seek to tarry in your domain of wind and words for a time.”[/i] With a wave of his hand the third figure signalled to the two warriors. The pair began to howl and blow on the final totem as the third continued. [i]“May our words and actions honour you and your kin.”[/i] With the area sanctified properly Senwe slumped down onto the reed mat beside the two warriors who had finished howling. Chunks of goats cheese and flasks of water were handed between the trio as they began sharing stories and waited for the humans to arrive, hopefully in peace.