Ah. It worked. Tired from cleaving, Ash huffed and huffed. The urge to vomit filled her throat as she weezed and huffed, but she refused to. She tried her hardest not to. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to take slow, deep breaths in an effort to not get sick. Not a single thought crossed her mind. Huffing like a kid at fat camp, her body feeling like it was going to give out. She opened her eyes to the decapitated goblin. It was less disgusting than she thought. The deer was much worse. Even the rabbit made her feel worse. The goblin was, instead, coated in enough red to conceal most of the damage. There were no organs to touch and deal with, blood to let, or anything. It was simply a corpse. It was a mushy, blood covered body with no life. And that was it. There was no point in dwelling on it. As much as Ash wanted to rest, she couldn't. Looking over to Muu revealed the other goblin fleeing. The three of them were, technically, safe. If Ash had more energy, she could have nocked an arrow and fired. She couldn't spare enough energy to reach for her bow. Her machete coated in a thick viscera, she instinctively dragged it across the riverbed. She had no interest in carrying a blood-soaked machete with her. [b]"Let's... take what we can... and get out of here."[/b]