[hider=Laura Horne] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/k-on/images/c/ca/Tsumugi_Kotobuki_new_mughot.png/revision/latest?cb=20130713162937[/img] Name: Laura Horne Age: 14 Grade: St. Laurel's School of Academic Excellence's First Year Biography: Laura Horne was born into a rich family, The Horne family being a long generation of oil company CEO's. So Laura was pampered and praised at a young age, However growing up she was not one of those snotty rich girls. And in fact was quiet and calm, Being friendly towards others poor, rich or are middle class. She likes making friends with people, Although sometimes she feels this is quite hard. Mostly because she is socially awkward, Saying inappropriate things or something that seems rude even though she thinks it was not wrong. As well as her powers which makes her seem repulsive to others. Or in better terms not many men thinking her to be attractive once she shows her buffed body. She is clam and collective, Studying martial arts specifically jeet kune do. She also has a passion for certain hobbies, movies etc. She loves kung fu movies and trying to copy the moves she sees in the movies. She has a love of chocolate, cooking and gardening. She hates snobby and or arrogant people, Wanting to defend people being bullied or harassed. Wearing the standard school uniform but making sure it was large to fit her buffed version of herself, So her outfit looks a bit too big on her slender body. Having long blonde hair down to her behind, She has large eyebrows, a thin nose, plump lips, large ears and pale blue eyes. Powers [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/danganronpa/images/6/60/Danganronpa_V3_Bonus_Mode_Sakura_Ogami_Sprite_%285%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20171113045435[/img] Core: Blessing of the God Of Might. For a short duration, Laura can maximize her strength. She becomes even bigger with cords of muscle like braided steel. She doesn't look like the hulk. She looks like she ate the Hulk and became a force of nature. The only drawback is an insatiable need to exert said power. This may lead to her punting her own allies through the sky as she goes on a rampage. Car Thrower. Objects that are gripped by Laura distribute her strength evenly. This allows her to pick up large objects that would normally break under their own weight. She could, for example, grab a car by its bumper, something that would normally break off, and throw the whole thing by it. Second Power; Strength is Will. When hit with mind-affecting abilities she can out muscle the effect by exerting force. Relationships: N/A How is this? [/hider]