[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [sub]-Firing Squad-[/sub] [/center] The horrid feeling of disintegration staggered Penny long enough that she missed her chance for a guaranteed hit form the Bastion’s main gun, but she was still delighted to see the monster topple. But as she readied herself for another charge hoping to crush the aberrant thing with the Bastion’s weight, it released a great miasma and started to flee. The mechanical girl chose not to race off after it, seeing as if she did she would tear down a fair amount of the stadium to do so. Plus Penny could tell that the inky smoke was more than just a screen with the way that Amaryllis fell on to her deck. Instead she started lining up a shot, as she would likely only get the one. That didn’t mean the Knight’s call for assistance went unheeded, far from it in fact for while Penny could calim to have much power when it came to magic she did have plenty of Mana to toss around if she needed to. Thus when she felt the great chains being passed over to her control she fused them the Earth Bastion where ever they made contact and once Katarina’s greatsword dropped from the sky the monster lost any hop of being able to avoid Penny’s next attack. As now that she was connected to it by metal she knew exactly where to aim in the miasma, and it wouldn’t be able to dodge anymore with the building sized blade lodged in it. All the while Red Aurelio quietly worked away adding his own two cents to this mess, as he had more than enough rage to work with, both due to his starting mote and the amount of it pouring off his robotic ally. The main cannon had been boosted for its next shot, as Penny’s intention wasn’t hard to guess. The chains had been augmented as well, super-heated to inflict more damage and boosted to be harder to break. Most of Red’s magic went in to damage control however, as he tried to isolate the area around the monster. So that any damage that didn’t directly harm the monster would be directed to him. As a clone he had little reason to care about his own well-being, and due to his vow he couldn’t ignore the possibility of there being innocents out there. Finally Penny’s voice could be heard projecting from the intercom system of the Earth Bastion [color=9e0039][u][b]“Brace!”[/b][/u][/color] And with that warning the Bastion opened fire on the hapless monstrosity. [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [sub].:Clone saga:.[/sub] [/center] While the original Aurelio was off with Abigail and with Red currently assisting Penny, the other three duplicates found their tasks intersecting in a very unfortunate location. Brown was the first to find his mark and the moment he did Brown immediately moved to at Sally’s side as a dull brown light started to emanate from his hand [color=fff79a]“Don’t even think of falling asleep on me”[/color] he ordered roughly as he passed his glowing hand over the wound before muttering a string of curses under his breath. He needed to find Indigo and fast, as his emotional range couldn’t heal this wound. Grinding his teeth together he focused upon the wound as he passed his hand over the wound again this time causing a substance like wet clay to flow from his hand and start covering the wound binding it shut, some of the arcane mud would flow in to the wound to staunch the blood loss internally as well. All the while a feeling of [color=Brown][b]Frustrated[/b][/color] determination would bubble up with Sally bolstering her fortitude. The spell wouldn’t be a gentle feeling but it would keep Sally as she was right now and hopefully buoy her until Indigo could be found, as that took just about all of Brown’s reserve to pull off. [color=fff79a]“We need to move, as much as I trust the Tank-girl it wouldn’t take much to get flattened by accident out here.”[/color] Brown Aurelio said as he picked Sally up in a bridal carry before heading off in the opposite direction of both Penny and the Horror, towards one of the team locker rooms. Green and Indigo conversely had a rather easy task at the start, it wasn’t hard to round up people and start shepherding them to Brown, and their first batch of civvies took them hardly anytime at all. [color=fff79a]“Comp!”[/color] Brown nearly shouted when he caught sight of the calm looking copy walked in at the back of the first group. [color=fff79a]“Sally needs you. Now!”[/color] This time the order was shouted and Indigo was not found wanting as he was by the lucky girls side instantly. [color=fff79a]“Hey there”[/color] Indigo said softly as a comforting blue glow started to suffuse his hands [color=fff79a]“Sorry about him, he’s a bit frustrated, but I promise you’re going to be okay”[/color] Indigo stated as he calmly started working towards healing the devastating cut that Sally had been inflicted with. This time the magic would be gentle and would feel like a [color=2e3192][b]Compassionate[/b][/color] embrace. Back near the entrance Brown and Green were talking [color=fff79a]“Too close?”[/color] asked Green as he gestured to Sally [color=fff79a]“We’ll see”[/color] Brown replied with a huff [color=fff79a]“you keep up the train of people going, I’m nearly tapped, wasn’t built with a lot of charge so I’m only good for point defense at the moment.”[/color] [color=fff79a]“Fair enough, doubt many people would react well to your grumpy mug out there anyway”[/color] Green replied with a cheeky grin. [color=fff79a]“I will toss you out of here if I need to”[/color] Brown threatened as he leaned up against the wall to the entrance. Green just chuckled and went off in search of more people who might need rescue.