[hider=The Music Artiste] [hr][hr] [center][color=A43333][h1]August Gareth Templ[/h1][/color] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c33a6687-b599-4f97-aec8-e2a9434e3619.jpg[/img] [color=A43333][sub]"The things men make, and the men things make are ridiculous as they are mean."[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=A43333]●[/color] Name: [indent]August Gareth Templ Augie●Gaz[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Age: [indent]Seventeen[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Gender: [indent]Male[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Sexuality [indent]Mostly straight[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] More In Depth Appearance: [indent]Augie stands around 6'4", and weighs in around 70 kgs (154 lbs), making him underweight. He holds himself upright, but with his shoulders sloped, rather than held upright with the rest of him. If he's not engaged in something, he tends to look a little jumpy, but more often than not that's just his resting bitch face. He's had that style of hair for as long as anyone but his family can remember, just at varying lengths. He tends to dress in blacks and dark reds, with the occasional dark green or blue. Stylistically, he usually wears a long sleeved shirt with a regular band tee over the top, and cargo pants or jeans. When it's cold he has a semi fitted woolen mid thigh length coat that he wears over the top of any other needed layers. He wears his Dad's old Doc Martens, "Because they're cool, and they're comfortable.". Likelihood is that you'll never see him in a hat.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8e64135b-28d8-4054-b8d9-b4764e841ef1.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=A43333]●[/color] Passionate [color=A43333]●[/color] Elitist/Perfectionist [color=A43333]●[/color] Kind hearted [color=A43333]●[/color] Quick to judge [color=A43333]●[/color][/center] [color=A43333]●[/color] Personality: [indent]Most would describe Augie as the "artsy" guy, who seems a bit like a prick due to his opinionated and somewhat reserved nature. He tends to form very strong and somewhat contrarian ideas quite quickly, though when you're not disagreeing with him on some of these more personal opinions, he's quite laid back. If you talk with him about music, language, history, or philosophy, he will light up and latch onto the conversation, often shutting out the outside world in favour of discussing such topics. He always has people's best interest at heart, but often gets carried away. He tends on the side of pessimism and skepticism quite heavily, and is always quite happy when proven wrong, if you can convince him he is wrong.[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Quirks: [indent]Augie taps to an internal tune a lot, to the dismay of listeners He can't dance for shit, despite his love of music He prefers pasta to rice, unless it's a curry He sits hunched, but stands straight[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Hobbies: [indent]Music Composition Electric Bass Couch Philosophy Board Games[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]Likes: Art/blues rock Coffee Overthinking/criticism Nighttime Hot Takes Drama, much to his shame Dislikes: Undeserved praise Soulless art Mainstream culture Wasted time[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f6615824-6550-488d-8c23-dc034f26f08f.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [color=A43333]●[/color] Family Members: [indent]Augie has both parents, but they split five years ago (they were civil about it). His mother, Fiona, is a visual art teacher at the primary school in town. His Father, Glenn, is a psychologist. It's a bit of an in-joke that he and his sister take after their mother in terms of personality, but their father in terms of looks. He's got an older sister named Brynn, who is currently studying abroad to become a concept artist. They don't see each other very often, but they're very dear to each other. He used to have a younger brother named Kiernan, but he fell out of a tree at a young age, leading to his eventual death.[/indent] [color=A43333]●[/color] Biography: [indent]Augie was born when his sister was 4, and two years later, his younger brother came along. Early childhood was kind to Augie: his parents were loving, he and his sister got along well, and his brother was a sweet little thing. His family wasn't exactly wealthy, but they got by if they cut down on the unnecessary things. They never got toys bought for them, but their Mother made them plenty. This was until his brother died. Kiernan and Augie were climbing a tree at a park, as kids do, when the next thing anyone knew was that Kiernan was lying on his back after taking a three meter drop to his neck. He was rushed to the hospital. Miraculously, he survived the trip, but in a cruel twist of fate, all they could do was put poor little Kiernan under palliative care. He was 4 when he finally died. This ruined Augie and his family. The loss of a close family member is not something you get over. If you asked Augie, he'd say the bittersweet thing is that he and his sister grew closer. The mood around the house was very low for about a year as they mourned their loss. Augie and his Father were the two that were hit hardest. Glenn, his Father, skipped many days of work due to being unable to get up due to depression, throwing the family under the poverty line and forcing Fiona, his mother, to stop her art studies and find a job. Augie would be unable to attend school for several months while his family, especially Brynn, helped him recover. Brynn was forced to mature much more quickly, as Glenn was at work or unable to get out of bed, and Fiona wasn't always around. She learned to take care of the house when the parents weren't around. She was ten years old. After a while, everyone got over it enough to resume their lives. Nobody was ever truly happy, but there were moments when it seemed it'd be okay in the end. Augie enrolled in school again, Brynn went to high school, Glenn worked every day, and Fiona picked up art again. Neither Augie nor Brynn knew that there was some tension between their parents, though. When Augie was 12, his parents split up. They never married, so there was no divorce, and they are both mature people, so they didn't split violently or unpleasantly. Augie and Brynn took it hard, but it wasn't crippling, and with each others help, they managed to get over it in a few months. Around this time, Augie started to use music as a coping mechanism. He picked up the electric bass, and practiced at least five hours a day. Pretty soon he was quite impressive. He entered into school talent shows and the like, and more often than not, did quite well. All was well with Augie from then 'till now. He has had average to good grades, he has been content, and he has friends around him. He tries not to get himself involved with the highschool drama as best he can, and because of that he has an alright reputation. When the website came along, Augie shunned it quite militantly, but now he can't deny that he's looked at it a few times. He knows it fucks people's lives up, but it seems so much less real over a screen than it does when someone tells you. He can't make whoever did it responsible. He dreads the day his name shows up on that screen, though.[/indent] [color=b3463e]●[/color] Theme Song: [indent]Farewell Transmission by Songs: Ohia [sub]I will try and know whatever I try, I will be gone but not forever[/sub][/indent] [hider=Farewell Transmission][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=malJUMz2A9Y[/youtube][/hider][/hider]