His mouth opened only slightly. Rylad had his eyes focused on the woman, staring intently at her to see what she thought of the figures. She took one, examined it, and let a tear fall. He moved barely an inch closer. Something about them got to her. It was in the way she talked about the Maidens, with such quiet reverence. His mouth went fully agape at her proclaiming his skill and work. He let out a shudder of a breath. Nobody had complimented his carvings to such a level before. Then she offered to buy them. Not talk to that greasy man about buying them, but taking them for herself. "It's all yours if you want it." He said back to her, eager to sell it off to her. He cherished his own work, as an artist should, but this was a sign to him that he had done something right. From her pocket she produced a small bag, and in it lay pearls. Dazzling and stark, the little pearls seemed to be made with perfection in mind. It was all she had, she said. He would have preferred money, but a simple barter would work just as well. He lifted a hand and took only a few of the pearls she offered him. No more than three or four pearls were taken from her hand and left to sit in his palm. It would be rude of him to take it all, and the size and beauty would be sure to hold some worth of their own. But... She said they were lucky. Ryland knew better than to question the cosmic forces. If they were lucky, he would believe them to be so. His eyes left her, scanning the boat again for prying eyes. Nobody paid them much attention, but Ryland would have to hold the pearls close. He was meant to bring the ship, his captain, money, not pawn off his works for personal gain. The pearls were slipped into a pocket and Ryland pushed his hands forward, still looking around the ship. "The carving is yours. I hope you enjoy it, and if you want anything made, just ask, ok?"