[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dspQHVt.png[/img] [COLOR=silver][sup][b]The Judicator | Lord of the Underworld[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=silver][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Neberziel - Emerald Castle[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [i]None[/i][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [COLOR=Green][b]"Those [i]fools[/i]..."[/b][/COLOR] Azhriel stood in the Observation Hall of the Emerald Castle, his personal residence within his Realm. He was fully adorned in armour once more, his arms folded as he regarded the massive ethereal globe floating in the center of the massive room; it's glowing hue cast everything around it in a green light which seemed to ebb and fade as it slowly rotated. Upon it he could witness the Flow of Souls as each one traversed the Ether in order to await judgement within Neberziel. The God of Souls had referred to his siblings as he spoke aloud. Lyssa had afforded him some time alone after explaining Tabrasa's more recent events that had come to pass during his slumber. It was safe to say he was not at all impressed. Selfishness and petty squabbles had led to a distinct increase in Deaths across the world. And with the Old God's untimely intervention, the Flow of Souls had been very much disturbed. There had even been a few instances of his siblings interfering with the Souls of recently deceased beings. Anu'Varr was one such culprit. The thought of his estranged sister working her devilish magics in an attempt to influence his Domain angered him profusely. This was a slight he would refuse to take lying down. Hyperion, Lord of Light, had also dipped a gauntleted hand into the Ether. The Crusader-God would likely have a better reason for doing so than Anu, he guessed. Besides, he was not yet back to his full strength, so confronting him would be an unwise move for now. Then there was the matter of Oao and Iarus to consider. Lyssa had shown worry when detailing the events that had transpired but Azhriel remained unfazed. Oao, one of his eldest siblings, had always been a shy one. If this new transformation meant that she might show herself to the world a bit more, who was he to argue? Iarus seemed to have fallen silent since his re-imagining as a God of Fear. Could it be possible that he now feared his own power? Either way, Azhriel paid it no mind. However, the issue of the Divine Cords themselves intrigued him. Which is where the World Tree came in. Its sudden emergence had certainly caught him by surprise, a large influx of Souls had been the initial indication of its appearance. It had even sent him the very first Soul of a Dwarf; a creation of Brother-Ferron no less. His would be a Soul worth keeping in mind. It wasn't often that Azhriel was presented so easily with a bargaining chip of such potential. [COLOR=Green][b]"It's high time I pay the world another visit, so it seems."[/b][/COLOR] He declared. Closing his eyes momentarily, Azhriel scoured the Realm for Thaddeus' Soul. The location became known to him within an instant. Spinning on his heel, the God of Souls began to leave the Observation Hall. He retrieved his staff from where he'd left it - standing unnaturally just a few feet into the room - as he exited through the stone arch-way. Lyssa had been standing outside the entire time, she was still concerned regarding his unexplained period of unconsciousness. And whilst Azhriel had commanded her to let it be, he knew that her mind would be thinking of nothing else. He startled her as he strode by, interrupting her thoughts. [b]"Have you decided on a course of action, my lord?"[/b] She inquired, struggling a little to keep up with his newfound pace. [COLOR=Green][b]"I'm going topside."[/b][/COLOR] He stated, a term he used whenever he meant to travel outside of the Realm. [b]"B-but, my lord? You are still not fully recovered!"[/b] She protested, like he knew she would. [COLOR=Green][b]"Hold the fort here, my child. I'll be taking our newest Ashen Guard to see the world through his new eyes."[/b][/COLOR] He turned to smile at her as he said so, choosing to ignore her protests of concern. He was still very much a God after all and he answered to no one. Not even a doting subordinate. Before she could speak any further, Azhriel summoned a portal to the inner gate; the entrance-way between Neberziel and Tabrasa. A bridge in sub-space that allowed him to enter and exit his Realm at will. Thaddeus would already be waiting there, having received his Lord's intentions upon his Soul being located. The green-flamed portal dissipated almost as soon as he exited it, leaving no time for Lyssa to follow. No doubt she would be unhappy with his current actions but that was a problem for later. Nodding towards his newest subordinate, the half-dragon fell to one knee as he appeared. [color=Gray][b]"I am ready when you are, Master."[/b][/color] Azhriel said nothing as he passed by. He simply strode towards the dimension-gate with purpose, Thaddeus now barely a few steps behind. [COLOR=Green][b]"Let us see what place the world has become."[/b][/COLOR]