Juliette glanced at her and Alicia’s troubled tone made her smile softly. “Don’t frett so much,” she assured. “I have more then enough room for you to stay. And it’s not a big deal, I assure you.” The place they were going was a smaller home she owned, smaller than the one she grew up in anyways. Another twenty minutes passed by before Katherine turned the car into a gate checkpoint. The surrounding buildings were large homes were tall trees guarding the yards. Once they were through the gates, Katherine continued to drive through the Main Street. She pulled into a driveway of a noticeably different house compared to the others. This one, instead of being overly decorated, was simple with white walls and dark shutters, and a dark tiled roof. The front doors were two heavy-looking double doors with a security system for a handle. Once the car was parked, Katherine got out to open the back seat door and let the two women out.