[@ayzrules], here's my first draft. I'll see about getting a "Kingdom sheet" together by tomorrow, but let me know how this CS flows in the meantime. :) [hider=Alexandra Bonnisseau of Castellevé] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181204/94653f9c73a1b0846f8f53bdb97f7a5b.png[/img][img]https://i.ibb.co/gRWBtLS/alex-royales.png[/img] [sub][i]"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time"[/i] - [b]Thomas Merton[/b][/sub][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Alexandra Joi Bonnisseau [b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b] Alex, Ally, Joi, or “Sticks” (due to her petite body) [b][u]Kingdom:[/u][/b] Castellevé [b][u]Birth date and age:[/u][/b] October, 30 (19 Years Old) [b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b] Hetero-[i]ish[/i] [b][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/b] Standing at roughly five-foot-six-inches, Alicia is shorter than the average females of their extended family. With a relatively slim frame, fair skin, and beautifully defined facial features, she still found herself falling into self-consciousness and barely enjoyed her own reflection. As of late, she’d moved away from her princess role into more of a “tomboy” appearance, keeping her hair cropped, and proudly wearing a “black rose” tattoo on the right side of her neck as well as more gender neutral clothes. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [center]Imaginative • Impatient • Self Deprecating • Anxious • Impulsive • Picky • Perfectionist[/center] While she does suffer from mild borderline personality disorder, to say that Alex speaks her mind would be an understatement, because when the girl takes issue with something (which seems to be quite often) her opinions are given whether anyone wants it or not. Other times, however, she can be quite calm and reserved, delving into her artwork or ignoring everyone around her with headphones and music. Really depends on the day or perhaps phases of the moon. Who knows? Even though the relationship with her family is rather strained, she still loves them but doesn't always want to show it in any obvious way. Her brother, Jack, is probably one of the only people in the world that understands her random thought patterns, and angsty attitude toward life, but she still gets on his nerves regardless. Some see her as rather quirky at times, and others are just confused by her appearance, as those who may not know her that well, aren’t sure if she is a girl or boy. Relationships were few and far between, but that’s how she liked it, not allowing others to get too close and keeping herself busy enough not to worry about such things. [b][u]Likes:[/u][/b] [list][*] [*] Drawing & Painting [*] Photography [*] Sushi [*] Harry Potter Series [*] British New Wave [*] Yoga [/list] [b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] [list][*] [*] Being Touched [*] Crowds [*] Cold Weather [*] Mean People [*] Body Odor [/list] [b][u]Fears:[/u][/b] [list][*] [*] Claustrophobia [*] Terrible Art [*] Heights [/list] [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] [i]“Why can't you be normal for once?”[/i] Alex was tired of hearing that line quoted by her parents on nearly a daily basis, sometimes indirectly aimed towards her twin brother Jack, but always meant for her specifically. But what the hell was wrong with being “different”? And what is "normal"? Just because you were born into wealth, or your parental units were some kind of royal (read: “pain in the asses”) significance to society, did that mean you had to be just like them and all their disgusting friends? [i]Friends.[/i] That word is about as laughable as it’s meaning, whatever that was. When you had money, prestige, and everything that followed, “friends” could easily be bought, which Alex was pretty sure had been the secret to her parents success in life, as was most likely the same for the rest of the adults within the Kingdom. But it didn’t always seem like this… Growing up Bonnisseau was far less stressful and demanding as a kid, and both Alex and her brother were inseparable, one could even say, the best of friends if there ever could have been such a thing. There were no secrets between them, and whether running around the castle halls or stuck in school, The Prince and Princess of Castellevé had each other’s back no matter what challenges they faced head on. And the practical jokes and pranks, [i]oh man[/i], legendary if the Bonnisseau kids could boast about anything. Mom and Dad were great parents and rulers, and while they worked their asses off to provide for their family and rule a ginormous kingdom to boot, it seemed their attention slowly but surely fell onto her brother Jack, their “golden child”, as his twin sarcastically referred to him. Aside from their personalities, likes and dislikes, and a myriad of other aspects veering in different directions, Alex just couldn’t figure out why the King and Queen of Castellevé saw her brother in a more positive light. Of course, it might have had something to do with a natural slide into deviant behavior that drove the Bonnisseau parents bad shit crazy just about every day, or perhaps the slipping of grades, sneaking out of classes to go hang out somewhere else, backing dad’s carriage into a greenhouse, or a laundry list of shenanigans that has essentially railroaded future chances of Alex finding positive favor in her parents eyes. Mid-teen years fast approached, and the bond that once kept both siblings inseparable was quickly deteriorating, and both she and Jack found themselves more isolated from one another. As it usually was, boyfriends and girlfriends came and went, and while Alex wasn’t all that interested in most of the guys that came a long, she made it a point to scare away those doting dames who actually liked her twin brother. But in the end, Alex just wasn’t the “boy crazy” type and quit caring about relationships of the heart. Her love of art consumed most of her time, as she kept to her photography, sketching, and painting, or visited the local art galleries in town from time to time hoping to build up the courage to have her work displayed for people to enjoy. In the kingdom of Castellevé, her friendships with the other kids wavered, as even their lives had changed from when everyone was younger. But she continued to hang with a few of the ones she could tolerate just to appease her family and theirs. Alexandra loved her parents and sibling, but as time passed, she just felt less like part of the family, and kept to herself or spent time outside of the castle, down in the village markets and squares. She knew she was different from her brother, and each time she looked at him, she became angry because he just happened to be the more “perfect one”. So, out of spite, Alex took the only logical and extreme course of action: she trimmed her once long flowing hair very short and also got a tattoo. Needless to say, this sent her parents over the edge as punishments came and went, each taking away some privilege that otherwise had little effect on the girl. Yep, the youngest born Bonnisseau twin wanted to be a rebel, and she was certainly treated as such... [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcLJP3evnHI]Words - Skylar Grey[/url] [sub][i]I haven't been all that you could have hoped for; But if you held on a little longer; You'd have had more reasons to be proud.[/i][/sub] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] FC: Shannyn Sossamon [/hider]