[center][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/zwdws7.png[/IMG] [hr] Lucian watched as Mergoux severed the girl's head at the neck. It didn't take long for the body to pick itself back up and begin slashing wildly. If it's head were still in tact, the slashing would have been more precise but Lucian had thankfully cleaved the creature's head in half. The old raven quickly severed it's arm at the elbow and then cut the legs off. Despite losing it's head, arm, and both legs, the other arm was still trying to slash and claw. [color=darkred]"[b]Total dismemberment or fire! Cut them apart![/b]"[/color] he yelled. Fire was not an option down here. True, the fire would work but it would incinerate them as well thanks to the fumes. It took a while anyway. Lucian looked up as the little boy, the woman, and the one eyed man began to advance on him and Mergoux. The large woman leaped at Lucian as the one eyed man leaped at Mergoux, claws out as the young boy skittered towards Mergoux's legs like a demonic spider. Lucian drove his hatchet into the woman's face, splitting it diagonally and spilling brain matter on the ground as the one intact eye began looking about. Lucian put his foot against the creature's chest and pinned it against the sewer wall as he threw his hatchet into the one eyed man's face, distracting it as best as he could to help Mergoux. Lucian drew his dagger and began slicing away at the creature he had pinned as he soon felt the young boy leap onto his back and begin stabbing him in the shoulder several times with a broken bone. [color=darkred]"[b]Filthy bastard[/b]"[/color] he shouted in pain as he drove the dagger into the boys face, nailing it to the wall behind him. The old raven was bleeding but he didn't pay it any attention as he took a moment to assess the situation. The creature that pressed the attack on Lua and the Bone Mage had lost it's head, bubbles appearing in the water and muck. The head was still moving and still trying to bite as it had thankfully fell face first into the muck. The body however slashed wildly as it began fighting against the mage's spell. It was stepping closer and closer, clearly being slowed but it wasn't being stopped. It was too powerful, the magic that made it possible something very dark and beyond anything the mage would have ever seen. It was old magic, something that should have been forgotten with the corpses of others.[/center]