Name: Robert Earle Age: 43 Occupation/Affiliation: Artist, Serial Killer Physical Description: Robert is 5'6 and weighting around one hundred and forty two pounds. A Caucasian man with bright red hair and a curled mustache. Wearing usually a green polo shirt, brown slacks and black shoes. His hair curly and having blue eyes, As well as almost sunken features. History: Robert was born form a one night stand, Where his mother had abandoned him to live with his mother's grandparents. There he was abused both emotionally and sexually by both of them, As a child he enjoyed chasing down dogs and cats. Torturing and killing them in gruesome ways. As he grew up he was told by his Grandfather of his war stories and war crimes, Even being shown pictures of his grandfather posing with dead women he raped or babies he killed. As a teenager he was a outcast and was obsessed with war, crime magazines and serial killers, Mostly being obsessed with people like Ed Gein, Albert Fish and H.H Homles. Watching his fellow female classmates undressing and watching pornographic videos of BDSM either by himself or with some of his weird friends. Growing older after he finished high school he joined the army, Becoming a infantry men and was apart of the Vietnam war. Serving in the war for five years but was discharged for his irregular behavior. After the war he became a painter and currently makes his living as a painter, And at night killing, raping and eating woman.