[hider=BEWARE THE POWER OF THE LEGENDARY OWAIN!!!] Name: Owain/Odin Dark Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/heroes-villains/images/d/db/Owain.png/revision/latest?cb=20170402215433[/img] Couldn't find a good picture of him in grandmaster clothes, so just imagine this, but... you know... in grandmaster clothes. Personality: Bombastic and excitable, Owain is someone who rarely goes more than a single sentence without devolving into wild theatrics. Elaborate nicknames abound when he is in the room, whether he's referring to a weapon, spell, person or even a combat maneuver. Furthermore, he has a burning desire to improve his skills, often challenging people to duels in the hope that it will let him grow as a warrior and mage. However, rather than just come out and say this, he will almost always claim that it is due to his 'sword hand twitching for battle'. However, he [i]does[/i] have moments of maturity as well, being fiercely protective of the people he cares about and dropping the theatrics if he thinks he has taken things too far, as well as attempting to defuse the situation if his antics are taken the wrong way by strangers. After he and his friends Severa and Inigo were transported to Nohr and forced to abandon their old identities to blend in in their new world, he even managed to cope well enough that he was able to help the other two come to terms with it, a task they had far more trouble with. Brief History: [hider=Not actually brief]Owain was the son of the famous tactician of Ylisse, Robin, and the halidom's princess Lissa. From a young age he looked up to them, along with the rest of the Shepherds, legendary warriors led by Exalt Chrom and defenders of the land. However, during his youth, a great and terrible entity, the Fell Dragon Grima, returned to the land after centuries of slumbering, lying in wait for a new vessel. Unknown to Owain, this vessel would end up being Robin himself, his will twisted and drained as he succumbed to the beast. Humanity barely survived the following years, desperately fighting back against the certain death that was Grima and it's undead forces, the Risen. However, alongside the other children of the now deceased Shepherds, Owain fought to protect the last surviving humans as a swordsman. Despite his hot blooded nature however, even he began to lose hope as the fighting became more and more brutal, fewer soldiers returning from every battle. It was only then, when all hope seemed lost, that the dragon goddess Naga appeared with a potential solution, a costly back up plan that could only be used as a last resort. Time travel. Using such a large amount of power that it almost destroyed her, the ancient dragon sent the children back to before Grima could achieve victory, when the parents themselves were about their age. It was during this time that Owain became even closer to his parents than he had been already, and finally learnt the deadly skills of the Grandmaster, wielder of both blade and magic, from Robin. Of course, he also weirded his father right the hell out with his antics, but it all worked out in the end. Owain fought alongside his parents in many battles becoming a respected Grandmaster even without his fathers famous tactical knowledge. Eventually, in a glorious final battle, the Shepherds defeated Grima. However, in order to destroy the Fell Dragon once and for all, Robin sacrificed himself and faded away. And while he [i]would[/i] one day turn up alive, Owain would not be around to see it, called off on another adventure, to save another world. It was only a short while after the defeat of Grima that Owain, along with his companions Inigo and Severa, would be approached by a mysterious man calling himself Anankos requested their help. Upon arriving and meeting with him, Anankos asked the three to travel with him to his world, offering to fulfill any request they may desire in return. Sadly, their initial hope of their parent's resurrections in their original timeline was not possible, and so they instead asked that the world they were born in could be beautiful once again, and their parents be given proper graves. As they were transported to the other world, they were told they would have to take on new identities, and Owain became the legendary dark mage Odin Dark! Unfortunately, as Anankos gave them their mission, protecting a child of the royal family in the kingdom of Hoshido, they were ambushed by enemy forces, sent by none other than the dragon form of Anankos, revealing that he was originally an ancient dragon before he separated a portion of his soul from the rest, his original forms mind deteriorating into rage and madness over time. The leader of these forces, the daughter of Anankos's dragon form Lilith, informed them that the child had been kidnapped by Nohr and was being raised as a member of the royal family, before attacking. After more and more reinforcements arrived on the battlefield, Odin and the others were transported to Nohr by Human Anankos, who told them to become retainers of the royal family in order to find the child. [i]His[/i] child. And that was the last they saw of him. Over the next few years, he three would do exactly what Anankos asked, with Odin becoming a trusted retainer of the youngest prince, a powerful dark knight named Leo. While the following path would be quite difficult, including but not limited to a war with Hoshido, the middle princess Corrin discovering she was actually originally a princess of the Hoshidan royal family named Kamui and thus revealing that he was the child they had been searching for, and the revelation that there was a whole hidden kingdom called Valla, which turned out to be both the land Anankos had taken them to before Nohr [i]and[/i] the country Dragon Anankos was using as a base to strike out at the rest of the world from, Odin wound up following Leo and the rest of the Nohrian royal children and their retainers to join with the Hoshidan forces in the fight against Anankos. It would soon be revealed that the entire war between Nohr and Hoshido was due to Anankos's plans anyway, as the dragon had possessed Nohr's king, Garon. It would be during this second war, fighting another ancient dragon of immeasurable power, that Odin would finally take up his old sword Missiletain once again, donning his old Grandmaster robes and carrying on his fathers legacy. And finally, after countless bloody battles against the reanimated dead of an entire kingdom and the Silent Dragon Anankos himself, Odin Dark, [i]Owain[/i], finally helped bring the peace he had been chasing for so long to the world. The universe, being the immeasurably kind deity it is, gave him about a month of rest before dragging him to Earth like everyone else. And despite everything, all Owain could feel was his sword hand twitching in excitement for this knew adventure... [/hider] Universe of Origin: Fire Emblem Equipment: Missiletaine (Sword) - Enhanced enough that it's actually pretty decent. Not a spell. Thoron Tome - A large and powerful 'spike' of electricity. Ragnarok Tome -A destructive spiral of flame. Ink Painting - A scroll specialized for counter attacks, summoning a dragon of ink to strike back at any who attack him. Dragon Scroll - Similar to the above, this scroll temporarily summons a phantasmal dragon to attack enemies. Abilities: Owain is a brilliant swordsman, skilled enough in the art to survive during Grima's reign as a hero of the few surviving humans. Thanks to his parents tutelage, he is also an extremely talented mage, enough that he was able to pass off purely as a mage during his time in Nohr. However, his greatest talent lies in his ability to seamlessly blend the two during combat, blasting lightning from tomes while simultaneously wielding Missiletain in glorious battle, and even enhancing his own considerable strength with magical power thanks to a handy little skill named Ignis... Well, it's either that or his ability to come up with incredible titles on the fly... Which ever it is, he has a number of other abilities which, and while they aren't really things he would consider his [i]greatest[/i] skills, they're still pretty good. Like the way he can heal himself by attacking his enemies using the mystical ability known as Sol, or the way he heals himself automatically [i]without[/i] attacking his enemies thanks to the legendary skill known as Renewal. Then there's his ability to attack in a way that essentially reduces any armour or other defensive measures his opponents might take by half with the mythical attack civilisations old and new have always called Luna, or the way he learnt the legendary art of replicating himself to temporarily form a second, fully capable clone of himself from a friend of a friend's husband's brother. And then, finally, there's his uncanny knack to be extra proficient with any weapon whose name is longer than twelve letters, an ability he can only assume to be a boon granted by his Aching Blood. Other: His sword hand twitches and hungers for justice pretty much hourly. Summarized skill list: Aching Blood Ignis Renewal Sol Luna Replicate [/hider]