______________________________ [hider=Bestiary] Stalker Dracolisk Sand-crusher Undead - Banshee - Wraith - Skeleton - Ghoul - Revenant - Abomination - Soul Casket - Algheist - Striga Gnoll Kobold Harpy Ogre Wolven Basilisk Spidra Harvester Minor Demons Elementals Slimes Raptshear Minotaur Levia Wicken Troll Merella Sylvan Falor Griffon Dire Wolf Golem Cockatrice Hyrda Manticore Phoenix Imp Selkling Gorgon [/hider] [hider=Magic] Magic is present in nearly every corner of the world and is mainly utilized as weapon in the many battles waging across the continent. Mages are individuals who have dedicated most of their life to studying magic and have learned to use it to its greatest potential. Casting a spell involves a incantation followed by the spell's assigned name. Doing so require the mage to imbue the words with magic power and project their will within them. This process is what creates the most impressive and dangerous of magic casting. Cantrips are lesser spells that require only the given name and can be used by non-mages. Experienced mages can manipulate the raw elements of magic to perform minor tricks such as lighting a fire place or making small objects float. While magic is highly potent and dependent on the user, there do exist a few established schools of magic. These include: [h3]Elemental Magic:[/h3] Control of the elements and its properties. This is the earliest and most researched school of magic. The magical elements are fire, water, earth, wind, light, and dark. Mastery of all elements is nearly impossible for all but the human race and even then most die for achieving it. [h3]Manipulation:[/h3] Illusions and alterations. This magic was first introduced by the Amali people who used it to spy upon other kingdoms. It has the ability to physically change a person or object for a period of time as well as warp a person's perceptions. It is typically of assassins to train in this kind of magic. [h3]Runic Writing/Magic Engineering:[/h3] This is the magical art of inscribing magical power into inanimate objects. It is often also called Magic Engineering due to the fact that any and all construction of magical items, structures, and devices are based on the fundamental principles of this school. [h3]Arcano Nevo:[/h3] Almost as old as the Elemental school of magic, this school is only about negating the effects of the other schools. Here is where mages learn to protect themselves with magical barriers and spells that can stop or reverse certain spells. [h3]Conjuration:[/h3] Often listed as the 'black school', Conjuration involves the summoning and enhancement of magic spirits or creatures to do the bidding of its user. Necromancy is sub-category of this school for which it earned its current nickname. Any students of this school must undergo intense training by the paladin order before they can become a full-fledged mage. [/hider] [hider=Legends] [h3][u]The One (Gaia Golem)[/u][/h3] A being said to have come to life upon the creation of the world. It roamed the planet for millennia forming the oceans and land, seeding life everywhere it stepped. Legends then state it sat down against a cliffside to watch the world it created. A popular tale among children is the story of a young girl who gets lost in the woods and finds the lone golem. The immobilized golem teaches the girl how to survive on her own, and eventually she decides to take care of the Gaia Golem. [h3][u]The Lich King[/u][/h3] A once mighty mage-king that feared his own death and the destruction of his legacy. He employed the top magical minds in the kingdom to develop a ritual to keep him alive forever. The ritual succeeded but it did not stop his body from deteriorating. A madness fell upon the king as he turned to necromancy and demonic powers to keep his appearance youthful. Eventually, these dark forces twisted his mind and he unleashed an army of undead across the world. It was only thanks to a valiant group of heroes that he was defeated. [h3][u]Holy Dragon Dromon[/u][/h3] It was once widely believed that Dromon flew across the land protecting the world from otherworldly threats. Time has turned this into a mere fairy tale despite the occasional reporting of a sighting, usually by a town drunk. A small number of Draconians still believe Dromon roams Alskyra protecting them and have even started worshiping him as another god. [h3][u]The Three Messegners[/u][/h3] Vaguely mention in a prophecy about the Lich King's return, It states that three beings of incredible power will awaken to prepare the world and help fight against the coming darkness. No other information exists. [h3][u]Endohi[/u][/h3] A leviathan creature stated to mark the end of the world. Untold destruction of the world will occur should it awaken from its slumber somewhere deep beneath the ocean. After it consumes all life, it is said that the Gaia Golem will once again rise again to reform the world. [/hider] [hider=Organizations] [h3]Fiends[/h3] The official name for the Dremorian Empire’s super-soldiers, they are without a doubt stronger than normal soldiers in about every way except numbers. They heal faster, strike harder, and move quicker. They are the biggest threat to Anserith’s air superiority and could destroy Aion in as little as an hour should they reach it. Opposing forces have recently discovered that psychic magic is very effective against them, for reasons yet unknown. [h3]Seraphs[/h3] Anserith’s most elite soldiers, they are one of the most disciplined forces in the world and serve as the royal guard. It is often said that a Seraph is worth ten normal Anserian soldiers. [h3]Shadow-ban[/h3] A criminal syndicate that has operations across the entire continent. Any competition is violently shut-down. Their influence has control of several government officials across the kingdoms. [h3]The Paladin Order[/h3] A once purely human force, the Paladin Order has accepted many other races into the fold. It is made up of several different minor factions dedicated to a specific god/goddess. There is still a faction that gives equal devotion to the pantheon but they are the smallest and least powerful group. [h3]The League[/h3] The only criminal organization that can match the Shadow-ban, The League fills its ranks with some of the most deadly assassins in the world. It is not uncommon for The League to abduct children that show promise and manipulate them into killing machines. A majority of high-profile murders can be traced back to this group. [h3]The Black Wind[/h3] A ruthless and secretive cult of necromancers, these individuals carry out the illegal research and practice of necromancy. They seek power through this forbidden magic and are not afraid to do whatever it takes to ensure they have proper specimens to experiment on. Their new leader has also instilled worship of the ancient Lich-King into his followers and they seek a way to resurrect the infamous king of the undead. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Basic CS Sheet] Name: Appearance: (Picture and/or Description, but both are preferred) Age: Race: Personality: History: (Life story or recent events) [hr] Magic: (What kind of magic they can use, how they use it, and how strong is it.) Skills: (What your character excels at and what they can do.) Extra: (This where you would put a theme song, special items, etc.) [/hider] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181124/5d02305c0fd47d9450f4c6c4f230e764.png[/img] [/center] 1. The Guild's Laws are the RP's Laws 2. Please post your character in the OOC tab so I may review them. 3. No god-modding. 4. Romance is permitted, but nothing 18+. 5. Be kind and friendly to other players. 6. Notify me if there is going to over a two week gap between your posts. 7. Enjoy yourself!