Torus saw the situation before him and cracked his worn knuckles, feeling for the power of nature that he knew coursed within his veins. A regrettably familiar sensation kept calling for him to use the might in the most aggressive manner he could rely upon, to bring forth an explosion of noise and a ripping gale, much like in the many seafaring combats the intruding spirit he had thought gone by the blessing of the village priest not all that long ago at all. But he knew better than to follow the voice blindly. Useful as taking down the brunt of the opposition might be, it would reveal them for the entirety of this cave. While it was still early on in and they could run away, it wasn't what they were looking for at all. So there had to be another option. One that still relied on memories of water and weather, but in much less destructive manner. The druid stepped forth, waving his hand to summon forth a cloud of fog, one that covered a great deal of the area to the left of him. He'd already seen Brannor let loose his arrow, so enveloping the warrior of the wilds in the cloud would be much lesser a problem than inconveniencing the pink haired Cleric's shot at the lone enemy left outside the suddenly appearing visual obscuration. But a distraction was not all he could be for the party. As he strode forward, the man fell again on all fours, the presence of man slipping away as fur and bestial wrath pushed forth. The enemy was weak. The choice of form was feral and lean over the usual hulking brute, Torus adopting the shape of a Giant Hyaena and diving halfway into the cloud, ready to gnaw at any hostile creature to try and flee its shroud. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] Torus casts [i]Fog Cloud[/i] and Wild Shapes into a Giant Hyaena. He now has 45 HP and other statistics belonging to the creature whose form he took. He also takes up the position shown on the map, looking forward to making opportunity attacks on any winged kobolds that might try to rush past him. [img][/img] It is now Orchid's turn, [@Lucius Cypher]. [/hider]