Though nervous, Julan did not take as long to reply now that he had finally admitted to the real issue. "Her name is Hal-Leeus. We spent a lot of time together yesterday, after I picked my opponent for the rite. She's...curious, I guessed. Asked me a whole bunch of questions about other places I've been. I don't think the people here get to see much from the outside. Just some rare travelers, and a few books that some of them have traded for. Only a few people can read Cyrodilic, though. Like the Treeminder." Julan was sidetracked for a few seconds as he watched Leeus. "Anyways, she's...nice. She's a hunter apprentice, so she explained a lot about their training. They're supposed to be really good at fighting in the swamp, against animals or people. They're meant to be fast, quiet, and all of that. I think she was explaining more detailed things too, but I, um, got distracted. I just start feeling so...strange around her. I don't know why; I'm friends with plenty of girls back home, and I don't get that way. It wasn't like that at first, but then we were alone just talking, joking, and I started looking at her, and..." Julan turned his head to Janius, looking confused. "...I don't know why she's so different." [hr] Ahnasha had already left her dress behind, so she just had to drop her bag with the rest of Rhazii's belongings before transforming herself. The point of the hunt was for Rhazii's benefit, but with her beast spirit front and center in her mind, its instincts still informed her decisions. She was higher in rank, so she grunted sternly at Rhazii to follow, then briskly ran back to the bandit camp. Again, being the current ranking pack member, Ahnasha did not hesitate a moment to begin her feast. The closest body to her was one of the imperials, so she ripped away his shirt, jammed her claws into his ribs, pried them apart, then sank her teeth into one of his lungs. She mostly gave her beast spirit freedom to act as it willed, but Ahnasha still kept out an alert eye around the camp between bites, and her conscious mind was still present enough to notice that something was missing. Namely, there was no Khajiit body where they had left it. Ahnasha's arrow only hit her in the stomach, so it was not an immediate or guaranteed kill. Ahnasha growled briefly. "I think the Khajiit survived. Probably got away. I don't see a blood trail, though. Might have taken a potion, bandaged herself."