[quote=Automaton] I'm in if you don't mind me playing a Lantern. [/quote] Not at all, a little Kyle Rayner is always appreciated. Assuming he's who you pick of course. [quote=Sixsmith] Sounds fun. :oI might decide to go Wiccan , if that's okay. You didn't include Scarlet Witch in that line up, sadly. @_@ But, yeah, I'll do some tweaking to make him more interesting in this setting. I'll try not to have his backstory rely on too many characters popping up ( T_T Teddy ).If I can't think of anything interesting, then I'll just have to spend a little more time making a character. I might have something interesting that I could come up with for Superboy... or hey, maybe I could even do something with Bucky. Uh, if I make him a lot younger, that is... and either incorporate the Winter Soldier arc ( which is too dark for what you're looking for) or come up with something different to get him into the same timeline as Cap. [/quote] Sigh, man you hit me in the sweet spot with Wiccan, but I can tell you right now if you want to also take Teddy or Tommy you can. I'm making Tempest as well as Wally to fill in a leader spot. Plus just because I never said anything about Scarlet doesn't mean you can't incorporate her into Wiccan's story. [quote=Rin] I have been thinking of joining, but I need to think up better ideas. Since the ones I have right now, um... Well, Mary Marvel might be a bit too powerful, and Spider-girl would mean that Spider-man would need to be old enough to have a teenage daughter and... Yeah. ^^;I'll try and think up something more workable, I guess. [/quote] Mary Marvel could be good but maybe with her powers toned down a bit. Their have been Spider-Girls who weren't related to Peter also .[quote=Konica] I was hoping a superhero rp would pop up. I suppose Batwoman is a bit too old, in which case I'll probably go with Batgirl. [/quote] Stephanie Brown would fit this beautifully.