Julan shook his head. "No, I didn't say anything. I'm not sure what she thinks about me. She's just been nice. I just haven't felt this kind of...thing before. Is it because she's also Argonian? I didn't think that was supposed to matter, like with you and mother. There, um, aren't really any Argonian girls my age back home, but I didn't think it would be anything special. Is it wrong for me to like her that way?" Julan did not hide that he was now watching Leeus, at least not from Janius. "She really wanted me to join the game." [hr] Ahnasha too dropped what she was doing to search for a scent, though after scouring the camp and having that search go on for far longer than she expected, she realized that there was no trail of a Khajiit leaving the camp. "Hmm, odd. I can't seem to find a scent. That could mean magic is involved, unless..." Ahnasha's voice trailed off as she started to look around and listen more sharply to her surroundings with her other senses. She remained completely still, and completely quiet until, finally, her ear twitched and her head turned towards a small tent close to the center of camp. She walked towards it with as slow, soft steps as her wolf form would allow, then quickly tore away the tent flap. There was a shrill, terrified scream, followed by Ahnasha dragging out the Khajiit bandit by her leg and throwing her into the middle of the camp. The bandit screamed in panic and terror, not so much trying to fight back as just trying in vain to run from Ahnasha. But, despite her tears and overall helplessness, Ahnasha did not falter. She kicked the Khajiit down to the ground again, then stomped her foot down on the bandit's skull, crushing it near-flat almost instantly without hesitation. Without feeling. "That's a relief. Would have been dangerous having someone like that out there, maybe wanting revenge. Not to mention, I was really looking forward to eating this one." Ahnasha commented, now grinning towards Rhazii. Despite the blood caked in her fur and staining her teeth, she was practically upbeat. "I'm not sure if you've had the pleasure of trying Khajiit in recent memory, but our livers are just divine. Anyways, we can relax now, and have our fill."