[hider=Curtis Lebedev CS] Name: Curtis Lebedev Appearance: Curtis is a quite short man with dark eyes, hair and light brown skin. He’s originally from Sweden with Russian, Indian descent. He wears glasses and often looks quite tired. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/97c645aa-b7fa-4313-b13a-8f0b637f5c5e/dctoget-0fa5b2f8-20a5-48cc-baec-014bf89d4910.jpg/v1/fill/w_400,h_522,q_70,strp/curtis_lebedev_by_canislupus2002_dctoget-fullview.jpg[/img] Age: 34 Occupation: Former adventurer. Currently a journalist for an internet newspaper. Starting Location: An apartment in a swedish suburb. History: Curtis lived in Sweden for the first 15 years of his life, his father leaving at a young age. When he was 16 his mum got a job opportunity in London and they moved there. Curtis always had an affinity for sea creatures which later inspired him to participate in expeditions on several locations around the pacific ocean. After The Incident, he and his rapidly growing daughter Sonja, moved back to Sweden with some transportation help from the only other person knowing about this, Curtis’s friend Micah Green. They rented a first floor apartment in Botkyrka municipality and a temporary premesis for Sonja the rapidly growing half titan toddler. Curtis and Sonja have been living like this for three years and every year it gets less and less sustainable. [/hider] here 'tis