At the Cinnabar Mansion, Looker informed Kjolmar about his mission. He was to set sail to Fuchsia City and from there take a bike to Celadon City, where he was to investigate Team Rocket's hideout. [color=0076a3]"Have you arranged some sort of transport for me? I don't assume you expect me to swim all that way, do you? And Blaine mentioned a partner, what is that about?"[/color] Kjolmar asked, a little annoyed at how he had been kept in the dark about all those things. [color=9e0039]"Ah yes, I believe there is one answer for both your questions."[/color] Looked replied and placed a pokeball in Kjolmar's hands. [color=9e0039]"She will transport you and she will also aid you on this mission. Alongside your Zubat ofcourse."[/color] Kjolmar pinched his eyes at the pokeball and put it away for now, next to Zubat's pokeball. [color=0076a3]"I better get going."[/color] At the coastline he took out his two pokeballs and released Zubat first. [color=0076a3]"Hey buddy, are you ready to meet our new friend? If I should believe the rumors, he will turn out to be quite useful to us."[/color] Zubat screeched. It was never fully clear which emotion Zubat was showing. Except to Kjolmar. Kjolmar always seemed to be able to read Zubat just fine. Kjolmar opened the second pokeball. [color=0076a3]"Abra? How are we going to cross the ocean with an Abra? I was expecting a Gyarados or a Pidgeot or something."[/color] Zubat screeched again and rapidly flapped his wings. Kjolmar nodded firmly. [color=0076a3]"You are right. Abra can use telekinesis to hover us over the water."[/color] When arriving at Fuchsia City, Kjolmar noticed how Abra had gotten rather tired from the trip. [color=0076a3]"Poor thing, you must be exhausted. Have some rest. Zubat, you too."[/color] He then retreated both his partners to their pokeballs and went looking for a bike to ride to Celadon. [@EboeChan]