"Crazy flying lizard people shot Elnesto and took his body away. Some other students got kidnapped as well." Herm continues his work-out. "Those creatures took the students right from under your nose." He laughs and rubs his eyes. "Speed and power, my rectum! If you truly were the elemental mage you brag to be, you wouldn't be wasting your time in this cage. You would go out there on your own and bring them back healthy and alive. But nope, instead you are out here trying to contain me, a student that just witnessed a friend of him getting possibly murdered. Right here, you might think you look like a hero, but on paper you let students get kidnapped and now are about to slice up another student because he used his free speech to rally up forces to help find the missing students. Where were you and where should you be now? This will only cause more paperwork and you know what the headmaster thinks about reading long, disastrous piles of paper." Herm gets up. "I see two clear options. One is you let me out and we gather parties to track the whereabouts of the missing students. Or two, and this one is a bit more problematic, we wait for the headmaster to come and rip you and this cage apart himself. The choice is yours." Herm rubs his eyes again and awaits an answer.