Janius pondered for a moment. Several trails of thought lead through his mind until he stood up and beckoned Julan. "Let's take a quick walk. Don't worry, you'll have time to play later." Once Julan was following, Janius took him in no particular direction. He started around the edge of the village. "That the girl is Argonian may be part of it but I doubt it's all of it," Janius explained. "All it takes is someone special. That clinging in your chest? That paralysis? It's all natural. It's not wrong at all to like someone that way, no matter the race." Janius gave Julan a glance. "To be frank, me, Kaleeth, not to mention Fendros, Ahnasha, Meesei, and Lunise, we're exceptions more than rules." Janius' tone shifted lower after another few slow paces. "Your mother and I told you how we first met, didn't we?" [hr] Ahnasha did not look up to see Rhazii eager to eat. The first she heard was low growling. Rhazii backed another pace away from Ahnasha with every physically threatening posture he had. His neck bristled, his teeth bared and he held his claws down, ready to pounce. In his eyes was a fresh panic overwhelming him. He did not speak, only bayed and barked.