Julan followed alongside his father, looking at everything he was looking at and listening to him in silence. He was reassuring him that his feelings were natural, though it did not explain why he was feeling them in the first place. Julan had only really just met Leeus, and even he knew that he did not really [i]know[/i] her. Julan scratched his head and shrugged. "Yeah, I think so. You met in this village, when you were coming here to help aunt Sabine. She said she was curious about you and started talking to you. Is there more than that?" [hr] Ahnasha had to suppress the instinctual reaction of her beast spirit, which was far more aggressive than she wanted to be towards Rhazii. She stood up tall, taking on a less bestial stance towards Rhazii, despite his apparent threats. "What is getting into you, Rhazii? Are you losing control to your beast? Hmm...emotion can weaken control, and you are not yet used to dealing with them. Just take a moment, breathe, focus. Your beast has its desires, but you are still the one in control. You know you don't want to attack your own mother."