[center][h2][b]Sofia Stien - The Airport[/b][/h2][/center] Sofia didn't like how they had to use cars to get everywhere but here they were. Thunderbird had told her that as long as she was covered up and staring at a phone she'd be ignored. So, with a hoodie and baggy sweats making her basically just a lump of gray holding a screen, Sofia walked through the airport with everyone else. An A class threat to an airport huh. Sofia's thoughts wandered. What kind of threat could it be. And what did A class mean again? If it was like school it was the highest threat but how much bigger was that than like a B threat? What was it that made it an A threat and why did Broker know about and why did he want them to stop it? Maybe she could look it up. Sofia tailed along behind Thunderbird, looking now looking up information about A class threats on her phone.