If one would happen to pass near a window on their way down to the common room of the inn, they might notice the unusual flurry of activity going on outside at this time of night/morning. Quite a few lit torches can be seen in the distance marking the watchtowers spaced along the pallisade and several of Xolkin's band can be seen hurrying across the town square, with torches in hand and weapons drawn. In the main common room, Xolkin and Kella stand around a small table on a patch of floor cleared of the wreckage wrought by a boulder that had punched through the ceiling and destroyed a number of the larger tables in the room during the prior attack. On the table is a very crudely sketched map of the town that Kella is in the process of making marks upon even as she continues her conversation with Xolkin. "[color=a187be]...was built to be able to fight off most dangers native to the untamed hills. I can't see this being any worse that having to repel a raid by the elves of Ardeep forest.[/color]" "[color=f26522]That would be a reassuring thought if I had already consolidated power here, gotten a proper garrison trained and moved into the keep itself but for now it stands alone and empty across a broken bridge and the men with me are hardly better than-[/color]" Looking up from the map, he sees the party as they begin to make their way downstairs. Grinning , he makes a broad gesture as he addresses them. "[color=f26522]Up so early? Why, the sun hasn't even risen! But I'd be more than happy to put a few of my newest supporters to work if that's what you wish. I'd offer you a proper breakfast, but it seems those miserable goblins ransacked the kitchens. Trail rations will have to do I'm afraid.[/color]"