[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181022/cac4c696ebc21b35bf11eea7f2c76da5.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=lightgray] Daniel had closed his eyes for the moment as he leaned his head back against the trench wall, he was going to try an get a moment's rest while he had the chance. His outside composure would appear unfazed by the hell they just went through, but the mental scar was deeper than even Daniel himself knew. Living the life he did, it was crucial to learn how to suppress traumatic experiences to the lowest level of your psyche. He didn't care about questioning the morality of this war or the intentions of the Federation. Daniel was here to survive just as he always had. The possibility of living a happy and comfortable life feeling more like an impossible dream more than ever. His extremely brief respite was interrupted by the sound of a womanly voice, one that he oddly enough recognized. Dull, green eyes opened up to her familiar image but it did not comfort him to have a face he knew talk with him. A deeply-rooted anxiety bubbled within him at her presence, a event brought about by this own foolishness. The tension of that first battle might have allowed him to push past it but now it showed its ugly head again. His head did not move but his eyes did follow her as she sat down, giving him a smile that he had seen before on someone he used to know. It was just talk with a squad-mate, he had to hold out. After letting out a long exhale, he spoke [color=AD2841][b]"I am not so easy to kill."[/b][/color] A crass smile was forced on his lips as he continued [color=AD2841][b]"I'm holding up better than the others. What about yourself?"[/b][/color] He started to lightly tap the ground with his boot as a way of taking his mind off the idea that Kalisa was a girl. A girl that could make you care about them more than yourself and tear your heart apart, whether they meant to or not. That was the cruelty of love. No matter what, losing it is always painful. He looked at the other fresh soldiers trudging through the trenches as saw the sheer shock of their faces. A few of them seemed to cry over a lost comrade or friend. That was their fatal error. He crossed his arms bringing his gaze back to his own squad and Kalisa. Death happens even to the people your are closest too. Daniel thought briefly about what the one soldier said, a family? That was a concept that didn't really make sense to him. [@SMS] [/color]